[@Lady Lascivious] That’s fair and I’m glad you’ve found your muse with the concept. However, I must point out that my concern is not about a character’s theme, backstory, or motivations, it’s simply about power level, raw power, and nothing more. Is Hawkeye or Mumen Rider a good, well-designed, and compelling character? Absolutely, they are excellent characters with nuances that one can greatly enjoy. However, I do not want to play as them when the rest of the PCs are Supermen and Wonder Women, I have experienced how it felt for me years ago, and I will never want to relive it again, even if you give me the best Hawkeye ever to play. [@LadyAnnaLee] Opposite cases it may be, but to me, it reinforces my point that being the Odd One Out in terms of power level is not fun, it’s heartbreakingly unfun. I wish for my PC to stand on an even level as the rest of the cast in terms of raw power, that’s basically it.