Iris couldn’t tell you what day of the week it was anymore, Ethan had kept her cooped up in that room and she was lucky she even had a bed with the way he had been acting towards her lately. You’d never have thought he was a loving boyfriend once, that he had a romantic side towards her and would bring her something as simple as a flower to brighten her day. Those days were dead and gone, far behind the both of them as now he had a new obsession, and she couldn’t tell you what had happened to drive him like this. Hopefully the threat of messaging Caspian didn’t happen after that day, she didn’t want him dragged back into it because that was the main reason she had fled back to the districts. To stop Ethan from causing anymore harm to a monarchy that was fractured enough. If Cas where to be killed there would be no more and that would cause an endless war and bloodshed that was not needed. Her life was nothing compared to the weight of the world on his shoulders, everyone looking up to him to be a great king. It was what she kept telling herself, what got her though the long nights and abuse that Ethan would throw her way. Again, she was isolated, left to feel alone and there wasn’t any grace period of being able to see Masisie like she thought. New bruises decorated her extremely pale skin and she hadn’t had food for days; Ethan brought her water to keep her alive but that was about it. The hunger pains had long gone, replaced by the pains of wounds that her psychotic ex-boyfriend now inflicted. What was slightly worrying was the fact Ethan had started to go around to everyone proclaiming she was his girlfriend once more. Something that made her stomach turn that was certain. “Oh, [i]deary[/i] me, you’re looking a little… worse for wear?” Hearing the creak of the door and the sound of his voice Iris tried not to give it away that she was awake, keeping her eyes firmly closed and her body still on the bed she hoped he would just walk straight back out and leave it as is. If he thought she was asleep maybe she could spare herself a little bit longer today, no need for dealing with unwanted trauma straight away for the day. “I know you’re not asleep Iris, you think you can fake it… but you can’t.” Ethan hummed softly as he walked closer to her, still no response but he knew her better than that. Standing over her on the bed he reached down his hand caressing her cheek which earned him a flinch. “Now was that so hard to wake up?” [color=f49ac2]“What do you want.”[/color] Hissing her words as she glanced up at him, edging away from the touch of his hand as best she could inwardly cursing herself from flinching. “That’s no way to treat your boyfriend now, is it?” Reaching out he went to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear only to growl as she batted his hand away. “Enough of this childs play.” Hissing as he lunged forward hands wrapping around her slender neck squeezing it until he heard a pained cry, getting the reaction he wanted he pushed Iris up against the wall a manic smile spread across his face. “It’s showtime.” Whispering in her ear earning a shudder as he pulled out a knife slashing across her stomach tearing the clothing and causing a rather thin cat like scratch across her skin. Stepping back Ethan admired his work as he saw Iris close her eyes tightly, torn clothes, dirt covering her body alongside a wonderous amount of bruising and cuts he knew this was what he needed. Grabbing his phone he took a photo of the scene, it wasn’t the worst he could do, and this was just a warmup, but it would still get him the desired affect and the prince wouldn’t know what hit him. Browsing through he found the number that had taken days for his hackers to obtain and typed a message attaching the photo before sending. [i]My girlfriend, back home where she belongs…[/i]