[@LadyAnnaLee] "Ugh, now that you mention it, the things I've seen of that one creep who stabbed me. Let me tell you - some little part of the tattered, stained rag that his soul ended up being is stuck in me with this sword, right? And with it, some of his memories. I know things I never wanted to know, now. Do you know what a nightmare that world he came from is? Do you know they have an entire genre of fictional material specifically about dying and being transported to a place like ours because their lives are so miserable they view that as a preferable alternative? Do you know what a truck is? [i]Hentai[/i]? The things I saw the pathetic bastard doing before he came here! The goddess too, for that matter. Everything I know about their world is from the lens of a pathetic NEET tha- okay so a NEET i- you know what, no, nevermind. Look, basically I'll take another mind wipe instead of more of [b]this.[/b]"