[quote=@duskshine749] Hey, so I saw the Int Check for this RP and thought it looked cool. It seems like there's room since you said you were looking for 2-6. Just curious, how powerful should gifts be? I saw Eris can speak to animals, should they all be that minor? And what exactly can half-fae and changellings do? I only ask so many questions because I care <3 [/quote] I appreciate the questions! & there's plenty of room :) Gifts don't have to be as minor as my own character but they also shouldn't be like.. God level either, if that makes sense. Half-fae and changelings generally would have a wider range of abilities & will get different reactions from the fae given that they themselves are fae/part fae. I imagine they would probably have a natural affinity for fae languages & the ability to learn new magic beyond what they are born with (as opposed to humans who must be gifted it). Not so much pertaining to powers, but changelings are more likely to be outcasts and have more of a subconcious awareness of what they are. Like they wouldn't know they are a changeling but they would just know they are [i]different[/i] for some reason.