[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190924/544c85ab5c75bc61a4bb5ce40dc0caa6.png[/img] [color=salmon]Word Count: 915 (+2 exp)[/color] [color=salmon][u]Level[/u]: [b]8[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 32/80 [b]Location:[/b] Edge of the Blue - The Maw: Lady's Chambers[/color][/center] Splitting into three groups, with one hanging back in the theater, wasn't how the Cadet expected things to go. Still, he wasn't going to argue or try and convince someone to go where they didn't want - especially when they were scared. The Cadet nodded at Sakura, giving her a sympathetic smile. [color=salmon]"That's okay. We could use a look out anyway,"[/color] he said. With Mirage, Peach and Bella staying with her, they would be alright. Thankfully it looked like Ace Cadet wasn't alone in his plan to head toward the Lady's Chambers. His smile spread wider when Nadia moved next to him, though at this point he didn't have any doubt that the duo would be working closely together going forward, at least until they got off of this submarine. [color=salmon]"With the two of us I know we'll be fine."[/color] Link and Glenn joined them as well, which made four - a fine number indeed. Just before the group set off, Mirage offered some items to them. The Cadet gratefully accepted the dart gun from him sparing a few seconds to turn it over then line it up as if to take a shot. It was like a very simple bowgun, and having seen Mirage use it before firsthand the Cadet thought he wouldn't have any problems operating the device. Nadia took the magnet, and as soon as she did the one on Cadet's person gave a little pull. So those things were stronger together, huh? That was sure to be helpful. They were off after that, and with a little teamwork they slipped into the door. Inside, a poorly decorated room and a stairwell. The Cadet couldn't imagine how much high the Maw went. Hopefully there weren't a lot of floors in this room, so they could make quick work of it and return to the others. The four slunk around the room's first level, in and out of hiding spaces, cabinets and various other places to hold things - but found nary a thing useful. So it was upstairs they went. It wasn't much better up there, as everything looked rather harmless and normal. Maybe it was too much to expect a big locked chest or a sign that said "do not use," but there had to be [i]something.[/i] Something besides shattered glass and musty furniture. The Cadet chuckled lightly at Nadia's comment, but it did make the boy think. [color=salmon]"Maybe there's something wrong with her face...? It might be a clue,"[/color] he said, hoping he wasn't grasping at straws. They moved on, through a bedroom and a disguised closet, with yet another clue laying for them. The Cadet agreed with Ms. Fortune's assessment: definitely not a coincidence. There was a clattering noise from outside, but Nadia's reaction spooked Ace Cadet more than the sudden noise itself. He just barely remembered to snatch the hand mirror before following the Feral out the door. They reunited with Link, but Glenn... [color=salmon]"Stop!"[/color] One of those creatures had managed to sneak it's way up the stairwell, and now it looked like it was swallowing Glenn whole. The monster let out some kind of pulse that pushed the three of them away. The Cadet scrambled up to his feet, heard Nadia's voice echo with a warning to hide, and took her words to heart - heading for the nearest nook to tuck himself away into. He found himself underneath the vanity, white-knuckle gripping the wooden legs and gritting his teeth. After all this time, they'd gone through so much in the Maw and were so close to getting out - but now they'd lost one of their own? That couldn't be. It wasn't right! That creature, it was some kind of magical thing - maybe if they defeated it, it would restore Glenn, just like they hoped it would restore the rest of them to normal. They just had to hold on to that hope. The question now was how to kill it. It's scales looked thick like armor, there was no way glass shards would be able to pierce it. The Cadet considered his other options. A dart gun, and a magnet half. Would the darts have enough force to push the demon? Or maybe the magnet could pull something into range, or down onto it, or... something! They had to do [i]something.[/i] The Cadet peeked out from his hiding spot, looking for Link and Nadia. If he could get a sign from them, they could coordinate some kind of plan. It so happened that Link was easier to spot, as the Hylian had slipped from his hiding place and was making his way over to the unstable floorboards. The Cadet stared at him for a few moments in confusion, but quickly realized the boy must have a plan. The Ace Cadet redoubled his efforts to spot Nadia, just barely spotting her atop another piece of furniture. Making sure to avoid the Resentment's gaze, the Cadet waved to her. He pointed to Link, to the heavy wardrobe, and then flashed his half of the magnet. With that, he slunk closer to the unstable floor where Link had whistled, drawing the horror's attention. They could use the magnets to pull the wardrobe down via it's metal handles, and trust Link to be nimble enough to escape in time. The Striker's appearance was a welcome surprise, and as the chef and the demon grappled each other the Cadet darted forward, close enough so that the magnet's pull could topple the wardrobe into the Resentment.