[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/jk4q7K8/oz.png[/img][/center] [i][b]Earlier That Morning[/b][/i] “[color=fff79a]You pathetic fool![/color]” The monster was horrifying. Staring into its shiny black orbs for eyes, Ozzy began to feel himself getting nervous. The creature was nearly twice his size with talon-like hands that were webbed to its torso with a thin leathery membrane resembling that of a bat. The breath of each word could be seen in a haze of condensation that seemed to rhythmically flow out of its salivating mouth. Its lips could barely maneuver around it's large, razor sharp teeth when it spoke. “[color=fff79a]I'm going to savor every morsel of you![/color]” [color=fff200][i]Think, [b]think![/b][/i][/color] Ozzy's eyes darted back and forth as he tried to come up with a plan. At any moment, that bipedal monstrosity could lunge forth and by then, Oz would be doomed. As his breathing became more intense, the young man started wiggling his fingers frantically, a nervous tick meant to draw up inspiration as quickly as possible. [color=fff200][i]Wait,[/i][/color] he thought. [color=fff200][i]Those eyes. They're basically all pupil... bat-like... nocturnal.[/i][/color] A slow, crooked smile began to form across Oz's face. “[color=fff79a]DIE![/color]” screeched the creature and, with that, he sprung up into the air, intent to descend upon its teenage prey. “[color=fff200]Not today![/color]” Oz shouted back. The young man's hands began to glow as they rotated around one another as if forming an invisible ball. That void was quickly filled with light and, with a bite of his lip, Oz pushed that ball of light right toward the monster's face. Then came the dreaded words that shook Oz to the core... [color=fdc68a]MISS[/color] The creature's claws them buried themselves into Ozzy's flesh. He cried out, but it was too late. The world was getting dark. Everything faded to black. And then the worst words of all appeared... [color=fdc68a]GAME OVER[/color] “[color=fff200]Fuck![/color]” Oz shouted, slamming his fists into his desk as he looked on at the computer screen that continued to display his failure. “[color=fff79a]What, sweetie?[/color]” called his mom from downstairs. “[color=fff200]Er... Nothing, ma![/color]” he shouted back. “[color=fff200]Just a great start to what is bound to be a splendid fucking day,[/color]” he said, trailing off into a mumble. “[color=fff79a]Well hurry up, your breakfast is cold and you're going to be late for school! You've got that trip today don't you?[/color]” Oz's eyes widened at the realization. “[color=fff200]Shit, that's right! Okay, I'm coming![/color]” [b][center]++++[/center][/b] [b]Presently[/b] The bus ride wasn't exactly the smoothest. Oz found himself sitting toward the middle rows in the aisle seat. He didn't care much for a window because his eyes were glued to his smartphone, taking in the local news. The constant little bumps and curves of the terrain were making him a bit nauseous. If he were to keep this up, he was sure to vomit and ruin the yellow and black flannel shirt he was wearing. Defeated, he shoved the phone into the front pocket of his dark jeans and sighed as he pushed his black rimmed glasses back up into the correct position on the bridge of his nose. Sounds of teasing and squabbles from the other students filled his ears. He didn't care enough to eavesdrop at the moment. He was just eager to get where they were going so they could get out of this rust bucket on wheels. His mind drifted off to the virtual world of [i]Land Of MageCraft[/i] and how he could face that monster again, but this time come out victorious. He wasn't even sure he'd be able to do it on his own. Usually people had to form a party to take on such a boss fight, but finding a party required being social – something Oz was not in a hurry to do. Talk of Karl Ziktor suddenly filled his ear as a student rained down support of the man, quickly followed by heated rebuttal from someone else. The teacher quickly chastised the two students for their handling of the discussion. “[color=fff79a]...Keep that political crap off my bus![/color]” “[color=fff200]That wasn't political discussion,[/color]” Oz said audibly, but only loud enough for a small radius to catch. “[color=fff200]That was a dick measuring contest. Its a good thing she stopped it now before they started unzipping.[/color]” He let out a singular huff of laughter at his own musings before inhaling deep and letting out another dramatic sigh. At this point, all he could hope was for the Dinosaur Museum to redeem the worthwhileness of the day.