[quote=@Guccicorn] [@Zapdos]lol truth If you mean that it would have to be a pretty fast emotional journey, I figure she would come to it right after discovering her powers, in the elated 'omg i'm special' phase. She'd like ... kick a ball in slow-mo and it would deflate/deform the goal/burn a hole in something/explode and she would get her first sense of like ... oh I'm special, but I'm also not normal anymore. I can't do normal things without it being unfair at best and dangerous to others at worst. ... OH! Maybe she accidentally hurts someone! Anyway, I think you git what I mean ... ye u git it, we got it, it's got UwU [/quote] I was thinking like she notices she's going faster right away, but there's time to think about how you want to go about it. There's probably more than one good way to plan her back story, in any case.