[center][h2]Kyoto - Uzamari Ryokan[/h2] [b]Monday > Tuesday, June 7th 20XX[/b][/center] [hr] The inn was in a minor uproar that evening when Seirin spotted the slowly floating 'corpse' of Otis. A panic of staff asking what was the matter followed by putting Otis back in his room and cooling him back down. It had been a rather memorable day for Seirin in particular. They went to eat dinner shortly after, then went back to their rooms to rest. Unfortunately they would have to say their goodbyes the following morning as Seirin was due back to her household, most likely to take care of outstanding business. Seirin had kept her enrolment to Silver Gate Academy as a secret for the most part, wanting to surprise them when she would inevitably show up at their classroom. They said their goodbyes and were on their way to the airport for their flight back to Seidoujima Island. [hr] [center][h2][color=ed1c24]The Great Blaze of Kyoto[/color][/h2] [h3]~END~[/h3][/center] [hr] [center][h1]One Week Later[/h1] [h2]Silver Gate Academy - Classroom[/h2] [b]Monday, June 13th 20XX[/b][/center] [hr] It had been a week since the eventful Kyoto trip, and Summer Holidays had already begun. All students though were asked to attend just one final class on Monday today, the 13th of June. This was communicated in a letter and email, saying there were some important announcements for the class that day. Some students had no idea what that meant while others were happy to theorize what it might be. Well, come that day, it seems there were... A few other announcements before they got to know what that was. [color=0072bc]"So, this may be a somewhat strange timing to be announcing this, but it had come on short notice"[/color], Utsumi began as some familiar people stood behind him in the classroom. The boys in the class were positively thrilled by the people they were looking at. [color=0072bc]"I'd like to introduce three new transfers, they had come from Kyoto and due to various circumstances, have chosen to study here for the time being. I hope you'll all treat them kindly"[/color], although he had a feeling that reassurance was no more than a formality. [color=0072bc]"Now if you three will please introduce yourselves"[/color]. The first to introduce herself was the grinning short haired girl wearing her uniform a little loosely, [color=fdc68a]"yooo~ the name's Sakichi! Nice to meetch'all!"[/color] [color=fff79a]"I am Seirin Kaganomiya, I had come from Kyoto seeking my own way of life, my interests in history, and my favorite food is Japanese sweets, pleased to meet you"[/color], Seirin's introduction was an image of grace. Then finally was the quiet looking girl, [color=a2d39c]"My name is Fuuko Kirisaki, the only thing you need to know is... If you lay a hand on Seirin you will reg-"[/color], Seirin placed a hand on her shoulder. [color=fff79a]"P-please"[/color], her face was trying desperately to not to break. [color=a2d39c]"I am Fuuko Kirisaki, nice to meet you"[/color], despite the dialed back introduction, her glare seemed to remain. [color=0072bc]"W-well... There are a few empty seats around..."[/color], the rest of the next few minutes was letting the three new students settle in, with Fuuko and Seirin sitting together while Sakichi sat somewhere behind Lorelai. [hr] [color=0072bc]"Ahem... Anyways, today is fortunately not quite a class. Although, I will give you a little extra if you feel like dabbling in something over the summer. On my desk is a pile of small tomes as you can see. They are for the Remidius School of Alchemy, Volume 1. It has a wide range of potions and mixtures to practice at a basic level, with a few more advanced mixtures within. I hope you'll all take interest in learning it"[/color]. [color=ed1c24][i][NOTE: Remidius School of Alchemy Volume 1 will cost 2 skill points forever to learn. You can pick it up now, or later][/i][/color] [color=0072bc]"Now onto what we all came here for today"[/color], he pulled out a small bag, and opened it up, and produced some badges from it. Any student from Arcture would immediately recognize it. These were Adventurer badges from the Adventurer's Guild. It also went by other names, such as the Hunter's Guild, Handymen Guild and sometimes the Odd Jobs Guild as a joke, since they were also known for just helping people out, even though their main fare was tackling monsters that nations had no manpower to handle. [color=0072bc]"I see some students recognize what this is, but those who don't, these are badges from the Adventurer's Guild, recently thanks to the efforts of the school and cooperation with Arcture, we are able to provide students with provisional Green badges. If you think you might qualify for a higher rank, you will have to talk with the guild in Arcture for that. The only special part of this is that students do not have to go through a screening process like people normally do when they sign up, so if you perform and abide by the rules of the guild, you can rank up just like anyone else"[/color], this was exciting, but there were a few concerns that had not been addressed yet so they kept quiet mostly. [color=0072bc]"Furthermore, we have received approval to allow students to come and go through the portal in the University building. Ordinarily only high ranking University students and teachers were allowed to access it without a request, given that their coming and going is recorded. The only condition is that these students be part of this class, there are ways to prove it, but the easiest is of course these provisional badges. So if you wish to go to Arcture, please be wearing one of these so that the staff can identify you"[/color], and with that he began to call up names for the students to come up and receive their badges.