[center][img] https://64.media.tumblr.com/7fbd59546fb872c97130ede0eadf7463/3c7cca4d8847d644-d4/s540x810/6b7af6f522792c2223147d69597c728afade8e9a.gifv[/img] [h2][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211103/65845c304d04e837bbad627e0dd9e2b6.png[/img][/h2] [sub]Fill the World with Sound[/sub] [/center] [hr][hr] [indent] Why had he chosen to ride on the school bus with people who only recently he had started to understand? He was the token new guy at Angel Grove. He’d moved with his great grandmother for mysterious reasons, but he never questioned her motives and followed her orders. She wanted him at the school, and he would go without question, but Angel Grove was different than Briarwood High. To start, none of them knew magic existed, and the little parlor tricks that were shown on tv paled in comparison to what he could do. Still, he had to ensure no one knew about his mystical abilities. That was part of the agreement with his great grandmother. When it had come time to choose seats on the crammed bus, he was lucky to be able to sit next to his crush. In fact, he was certain luck had nothing to do with it. He’d made a friend or two over the months he’d been at Angel Grove, and one friend had ensured that Finn was the only one without a seatmate when Sa’Cha stepped onto the bus. He’d had his experience with just about everyone on the bus except Finn. Finn seemed so out of reach for him; however, it wasn’t any fault of Finn’s. Sa’Cha avoided him for obvious reasons. It was obvious to anyone who observed his body language whenever he was around Finn that he liked him. Finn’s bubbly nature was so refreshing, and he couldn’t help but appreciate how open and how warm Finn was when they first met. The crush was very apparent, and yet Sa’Cha still hadn’t worked up the nerve to ask Finn out on a date to get to know him. As the bus moved down the bumpy highway, Sa’Cha’s attention floated around. There were moments in which he would be completely engrossed by the waves crashing on the shoreline, and then he would make the mistake of looking at Finn and his heart would beat rapidly. They exchanged words during the ride. Whenever Finn would ask him a question he would answer and a conversation would ensue, but Sa’Cha’s nerves would get the better of him and he would quiet down. Even when his friend would try to intervene, it seemed their efforts weren’t enough. Sa’Cha’s head was resting against the back of the seat. His eyes were staring up at the ceiling of the bus and he would hear everyone talking. There was so much noise on the bus and even though a heated argument had started to brew, their chaperone had put a quick stop to it and silence once against began to envelope them, that is until Oz broke it with his observation of the disagreement between their classmates. “[color=9B3074]While I would hate to see it, I doubt there is much to observe even if they unzipped and measured[/color].” Sa’Cha’s friend burst into laughter before silencing when Tommy spoke to Finn. He was in ear shot of just about every conversation. “[color=9B3074]I guarantee if she gave you the time-of-day Tommy you’d develop more than a crush[/color],” Sa’Cha joked, smiling back at Tommy, “[color=9B3074]and stop teasing Shelby, you know how flustered she gets[/color].” "Like you and Finn," a random student commented. In these moments Sa'Cha wished heavily that he could control the reactions of his blood in his face, but as soon as he heard the comment, he blushed. "Shut up Bernard, I swear you nosey as hell," Andrew replied. Sa'Cha never had to lift a finger at Angel Grove since his arrival. Andrew had gravitated to him the moment he stepped foot on campus and was very protective of him. He knew about Sa'Cha's feelings towards Finn and on numerous occasions had tried to get Sa'Cha to ask Finn out, but it always seemed to fail. Andrew had a plan that Sa'Cha couldn't get out of. He would wait to spring his trap, but until then, no one would talk to his friend any kind of way. Sa'Cha let his forehead rest against the back of the seat in front of him, regretting opening his mouth. [/indent]