[quote=@CaptainManbeard] [@Rekker][@WindsOfFate] Great posts, guys! Though I did want to clarify something since the posts incorrectly hint that normal school is in session - the actual legitimate school year has not started yet, and I realize I did not specify in the IC that it's a Summer program they are part of in the weeks leading up to the start of the Fall term. I did mention a "Summer sky," but in some areas school has started by then, so it's understandable that such a thing needs further clarification. That being said, no revisions are necessary to your posts, we can assume they've been in Summer School for a while, but I wanted to bring it to everyone's attention before anyone else posts, and I will go back and edit the intro to specify the exact nature of the program :). [/quote] My post was mentioning when Sa'Cha first arrived at Angel Grove in the last semester of everyone's Junior year. Most schools have a fall semester that starts in August and then ends in December, then the spring semester that begins in January and ends before Summer Break. Sa'Cha arrived in January at Angel Grove and that's when he started to meet everyone. Everyone has known Sa'Cha for however long the Spring Semester is, which is why he can recall certain things that happened during the Spring Semester while he was there. That's why he has two friends, Andrew and Michelle, who protect him for some odd reason. He decided to tag along after orders from Udonna, and also because Andrew begged him and told him Finn was going.