[h1][center][color=DC143C]Homura[/color] & Voligan & [color=Yellow]Zenia[/color][/center][/h1][hr] On the north eastern coast of the western continent Courage continued to carry vessels onto the waiting collosi, each trip transporting close to a hundred of the dormant dreamers, and with the assistance of Kindness and Fear, as well as the direction of Homura, nigh two hundred thousand bodies had been placed upon the three titans. Courage could feel the weight of exhaustion on her arms and legs as though she were laden with unseen burdens, but she pushed on through the fatigue with a resolute grin and hungry gasps of breath. Kindness preoccupied herself with gently gathering the flowers and migrating them around the paths the three humans work had created, while nearby Fear rested upon a column of stone. Homura was content to merely watch now as little remained for space on the three titans, and she would have to venture forth before she could deliver the remaining majority of humanity. She stood atop a similar pillar as the one Fear relaxed upon, and could see far across the fields the unawakened humans slept in. More than eight hundred thousand still dreamed, remaining pale and featureless, ready to be sculpted by the other divine. The red goddess looked upon the rest of the world, wondering what her peers had produced as of late. With a soft rumble the stone next to Fear took a vague humanoid shape as Voligan took a form more palatable to mortal senses. He looked over at the dreamers, and then back towards Fear, Courage, and Kindness. "I am Voligan, a pleasure to meet you, Goddess of Honor. You have been busy, sister. A new race, capable of mimicking our abilities of thought, and the first champions of the gods." His voice was mildly unpleasant, like two rocks scrapping lightly against one another. "Since our siblings and I brought the continents into existence, there has been busyness across the world. The continents have been shaped and filled with life, both with the intention of cultivation and protection, and the intention of violence and destruction." He moved over towards the dreamers, examining them closely. There was potential there, that he could use and shape for his plans. "I have a request, sister. In return for a favor that you can call upon later, I would like to take a group of these mortals and shape them. They will be an answer too the forces of destruction and evil, though not the last. Our sister Ruina will doubtlessly continue her 'tests' and the Gods of Industry and Parasites seem to have goals they'll achieve at any cost." He returned to Homura, watching Courage with amusement. "Do we have an agreement?" Homura sighed upon seeing Fear flee from the presence of the god that had manifested near her, and concealed her ire with her champion behind a calm smile. Before she could reply, Courage had dashed towards Voligan and raised her hands defensively. The red goddess approached the Great Bearer of Lands, and bowed before him. "I am honored by your visit, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Homura." The three awakened mortals were gathered around her, Courage facing the God of Earth with defiance, while Kindness and Fear stood beside their maker. Homura herself arose with grace, and gestured towards the field of humans. "These humans have been created to be a mortal expression of our wills. I intended to make gifts of them to all of the divine. You may take freely of them, brother, and make of them what you wish." She answered, before she paused and continued. "We have an agreement. I will not allow evil to pervade this world, even if I must battle my kindred to protect that which is good." the red goddess spoke with a cold fire that burned in her eyes, her spear held tight in her hand. As if summoned by Homura's fierce declaration in the battle against evil, a flicker of a golden dot appeared on the horizon to the north. It sped like a bullet above land and water alike, zipping in an erratic pattern perceptible only to the divine. It cut a line through clouds as it passed, approaching at dangerous speeds. Moments later, before Voligan could deign to reply in the ongoing exchange, the golden bullet smashed into the side of one of the titans with a loud smack that sounded like it dented the titan and broke whatever it was that hit it. With a brief groan, a silhouette fell from high above at the site of the impact - a golden-haired goddess in a torn white dress careened freely from high above and soon after crashed into the ground with equal weight cracking dirt and rock to make a small impact crater. Unfazed, the new arrival stumbled to her feet and brushed herself off, before delivering an unabashed smile at the gathered party of deities and mortals. Homura remained still as the celestial crashed into one of the colossi, and continued to be still as that divine entity then crashed into the earth near her. However, upon the sight of Zenia smiling, the inner fury within her had withered away her welcoming presence, and the red goddess exuded an aura of wrath. "An unexpected visitor bringing mayhem with her. It seems one of the more foolish among the divine has found us, and wished to provoke us with her pestiferous presence." Her tone was sardonic, and as sharp as a her spear. The goddess took the jab in stride, her smile unfaltering as she tucked some of her crater-hair behind her ear. [color=Yellow]"Sorry about that,"[/color] she exclaimed with a sheepish tone that did nothing to faze her enduring spirit of confident recklessness. [color=Yellow]"I was trying to see, like, how close I could get, you know, before I had to stop. But, like, I'm still getting used to how much stuff there is pulling me down. So I went too fast. But I'm fine! It's no problem."[/color] She assured noone in particular before weaving her fingers together in front of her and cracking her knuckles all at once. Her eyes scanned the area as if the three mortals did not exist. [color=Yellow]"What are you two up to? Making statues?"[/color] Tracking Zenia's crash landing and giving an amused chuckle at her arrival, Voligan raised a hand in greeting. "Hello, Goddess of Revelry. I am Voligan, and this is Homura. These statues are her creations, humans. I've requested some of them for the purposes of counteracting our sister Ruina and our brother the God of Parasites, as they seem intent on 'testing' and infesting this world. Homura has agreed to help in further endeavors to counter them and any other evils that may be set upon Galbar. What brings you here? Aside from seeing how fast you can go before crashing?" His tone was light and amused, looking over at the dent Zenia had left on the side of the colossus. [color=Yellow]"Oh!"[/color] the bright-haired goddess exclaimed and bowed in that lackluster way that she had deigned to respect the Monarch himself with. [color=Yellow]"I am Zenia! I uhm, well, I thought it looked interesting. I just came from the north; Chailiss and I made, like, the whole place and it's great and has real big and cute animals, and, you know, really large trees and canyons and lots of land. It's great, and there's all this really sweet white stuff that's great fun. But I'm exploring! Making more places great. That kind of thing."[/color] Zenia nodded to herself after speaking. Her attention could only last so long of course, and she soon started eyeing the three champions with greater scrutiny. Homura exhaled her anger with a huff, but was quickly appeased by the honor of introductions, and the fortuitous lack of any premature harm coming to her creations. She was concerned with the lack of respect Zenia seemed to convey in her bow, as though the golden goddess was too preoccupied with petty thoughts of herself to even consider how another being would react to her folly or the repercussions of such careless actions. Then there was the taunting smile that seemed to shout, I could not care less about others, I wish only to be amused. Homura could hear its voice mocking her, but concealed her ire beneath an impassive mask as she spoke. "You may also harvest from this field of sleeping humans, Zenia, as they are my gifts to all of divine, yourself included. You may make of them what you will, and they will conform to your desires though such changes will be limited in a capacity. However, I imagine you would have them perform frivolous festivities and continually engage in hedonistic acts, so no issues should arise. Now the choice belongs to you; will you accept my gift?" The red goddess asked, and refused to let the images of humanity being reduced to something so inane and irksome pervade her mind like an insidious poison. Unlike their creator, the three humans that stood in the presence of the three divine felt elated as it was the first time they had ever encountered other beings capable of communication. Courage quickly found herself enjoying Zenia's lighthearted demeanor, and offered the goddess an impish bow, much more mischievous than reverent. Kindness and Fear looked between Homura and the two other deities, filled with uncertainty regarding how to behave before gods and goddesses. Kindness spoke, and bowed as well. "It is an honor to meet you both, my lord and lady. My name is Kindness, and these two are my sisters, Courage and Fear." Zenia's attention fell squarely on Kindness, and her face radiated a riotous delight. She appeared to put Homura's solemn and respectable offer aside for the time being to launch forward with a single leap, closing the distance between herself and the others. The ground crumbled beneath her feet as she landed, so ill-contained was her energetic haze. Her gaze was still on the champions, curious and eager. [color=Yellow]"Ohh! They can like, talk!"[/color] She erupted with unbound glee, giving Homura the grin of a temptress. [color=Yellow]"Hello, Kindness! Courage. Fear."[/color] She greeted in order from closer proximity, pronouncing their names clearly as though that'd help. [color=Yellow]"I am, like, really loving your names. And the lookalike thing is a classic, I did that to, you know, the one with all the sour destructive energy about her. Real serious, that one. I didn't stick around."[/color] Content with having doled out enough of her questionable wisdom, Zenia faced Voligan and Homura properly. [color=Yellow]"You'd... give some of these to me? I knew I felt, like, a good thing about you. All dependable. Isn't that right?"[/color] she turned to get some confirmation from Voligan but did not wait to hear the Great Bearer of Lands' reply. [color=Yellow]"Anyway, I have to decline. I couldn't accept such a thoughtful gift without, like, giving you something."[/color] Voligan nodded, looking over at the champions. "Mortals like these will be needed." He mused, watching their interaction with Zenia. "We can't interact against the machinations of Destruction, Parasite, and Doom personally. The resulting battle will only destroy the mortals involved, not to mention the area they need to live on. More champions will need to be empowered." He looked back at Zenia, shrugging his shoulders with a grinding noise. "You could give her something in return, perhaps creating something her own creatures lack. Or offering a future favor in return for some of her, freely offered, creatures. Gifts in return for gifts don't have to be immediate, after all." He paused, thinking. "We could use the extra help, as even as gods we can't be everywhere at once." Homura considered the words of both Zenia and Voligan, her head having lulled to the side like an ancient tree that had endured the trials of the weather for a long time, and she pondered to herself while Courage stood tall with pride upon hearing a call to action. The human pointed towards the great earth god, and spoke with bravery. "I will fight! Let me prove myself in battle." A fierce grin emerged on her face, as Courage continued. "I want to protect Kindness and Fear, and the others! I ask that you allow me to fight." "[b]Patience.[/b]" With one word, Homura doused the ample ardor of Courage through her severe voice which demanded obeisance, and then the human stepped back to allow the red goddess to speak. "You will be called upon, but you must be ready to strike only when you are most certain of victory. If you act recklessly, you suffer the risk of making a critical mistake and suffering the resulting consequences. We must gather more power before we act, as Voligan suggested." As Homura spoke to her humans, Kindness pulled upon Courage's arm, and whispered to her sister. "And... remember to show forgiveness, sister." While Kindness held onto her scolded sister, Fear stood before Zenia after the golden goddess had unleashed unrestrained mirth upon them. The lone human lacked the lexicon to describe the staggering felicity she had been struck with, and stood stunned as the exuberant diety had turned her attention to her fellow divine. "Thank you." Fear said, feeling as though she had been blessed by simply being in the presence of the Goddess of Revelry. After she scolded her creation, Homura softly smiled towards the god and goddess. "A promise to... dance with me later will suffice as something sufficient in return, sister. Secondly, these humans are a gift to you, brother, and you are not beholden to give me something in return. You have created the land upon which we stand after all. It is I who is indebted towards you, I think." "Nonetheless, feel free to call upon me should you ever require aid Homura." He looked over at the scolded Courage, chucking to himself again. "Yes, patience. There will be plenty of fighting in the future, I am sure." He moved over to where the humans were being carried and gathered one hundred thousand of them. They stood suspended in the air around him, held by floating orbs of soft earth, to prevent them from falling as he travelled. "Some of these dreamers I will guide personally, to be our sword and shield against the machinations of our...less kind siblings. The others I will place around Galbar and let them flourish or fall in their own right, so long as it naturally occurs." He nodded at both of his siblings in a final farewell. "Zenia, Homura. It has been a pleasure to meet you both. I will call upon you, should I need your aid in the future. Do not hesitate to do the same." With that, he headed away from the two goddesses, rapidly gaining speed as he continued on his mission. [hr] Zenia, who had stood in an almost zombie-like state while considering the full breadth of Voligan's suggestions, ripped out of her daze to wave after the Great Bearer of Lands. [color=Yellow]"Nice to meet you! I like your work!"[/color] was all she deigned to call after him before turning her gaze back to Homura and her three identical champions. She clapped her hands together triumphantly and grinned at the other goddess. [color=Yellow]"That's what I'll do! I'll, like, pledge to help you, Homura. You're being so nice, and I also don't want, you know, bad things to happen, so I'll assist with whatever you need. We can start with dancing, for sure, if that's what you want. I'm something of a movement-master,"[/color] she ranted with exuberant energy. Homura refrained from externally sighing after she waved farewell to Voligan, and hesitantly nodded in agreement as her fellow divine that had yet to depart continued to prate, but it seemed she had acquired another alliance which meant that enduring the presence of Zenia was well worth it. Even after Voligan has claimed his share, there were hundreds of thousands that remained. "Sister, if we have an accord, then collect some of these humans and teach them. Guide them in the way of Revelry, whatever that means. We can arrange a time to dance another time, as the many other divine that I have yet to greet and give my gifts to await, and the world will not stand still while we do nothing." Homura did not voice aloud her concern that if she simply enjoyed herself and the act of dancing now, she may waste even more precious time. The sky was filled with soaring lights, and the melody of the land softly brushed against her ears, as the song of the cosmos filled her with heavenly bliss. She spoke and was akin to the stable stone standing against the force of a relentless river, as the profuse glee of the golden goddess washed over Homura but had yet to erode her stoic façade. The three humans continued to watch the interaction between the deities, until they were forced to shield their eyes with nothing but their hands as Homura began to blaze brightly with sacred radiance. Then the red goddess offered her hand outwards to Zenia, and her voice resonated with power. "[b]Let us clasp hands to physically symbolize our promises to each other.[/b]" She said. Zenia did not seem to need much convincing or thought. She stepped forward without hesitation, a triumphant and giddy grin plastered on her face as she watched Homura. A moment later, Zenia's hand fell in with Homura's and squeezed it firmly as pure reaction. With it came an unbridled jolt of exuberant energy, hinting at the barely contained whorl of delight - and as Homura herself had said, Revelry - within the golden-haired deity. Even a simple touch was like the sudden rush of elation from having experienced something new and amazing, if such a thing was a material being able to impose on others. [color=Yellow]"For sure!"[/color] cried Zenia with excitement. [color=Yellow]"I think I'll take them to, like, that other land I saw on the way. They can help me look for, you know, a good place. And I'll teach them everything I know."[/color] Left unsaid but radiated from that shine in her eyes, was that it wouldn't be a long lesson. Then they both heard a message uttered in their minds; a warning from another goddess. Memories that were not their own, and a conversation they had not joined, yet it seemed as if they had stood there as it happened. The voice of Ruina seemed to echo, lingering until it receded from whence it came, and there was nothing that immediately followed it. The brief, but sincere smile upon the red goddess quickly vanished after the warning was received. What ephemeral jubilation she had known upon holding hands with Zenia was forgotten as she became burdened with fears of the future. She remembered her words with Voi upon the bridge, her concerns of war, and its inevitability. "It seems Destruction and Doom have encountered each other, and have quickly quarreled. I have yet to speak with either of them, so perhaps I should remedy that. Hmm, this may seem strange considering our circumstances, but you have my gratitude, Zenia. I pray that the majority of our fellow divine are as cordial as yourself and the others I have spoken with." Homura held Daybringer tightly in her hands, and glanced towards her three champions, knowing that none of them had heard the message from Ruina. "It is time we depart." She explained to them. "We will return and deliver the remaining vessels, but now we must wander across Galbar in search of the other divine." Her proclamation elicited rejoicing excitement in Courage, Kindness, and Fear, as they hastily began gathering what meager things they had claimed during their period of work. Courage held onto a red flower that she tucked behind one of her ears, while Kindness precariously carried a collection of shiny stones from the sea shore in her arms. Fear remained empty handed, having chosen to sleep when the three were given the opportunities to rest. All of them were still occasionally distracted by the two goddesses that exuded an aura of their combined aspects; filling the air with resolve and joy. Zenia had remained unfazed by the distant message and the barrage of memories, in so far as she deigned to show she had registered Ruina's announcement at all. Her smile remained steady and she continued to look unbothered as Homura's champions set to work. Whether it was due to dull ignorance or a refusal to let her mood falter was a mystery for another day, as the sudden surge of activity inspired the golden-haired goddess to do the same. [color=Yellow]"She sounded as serious as she looked when I met her!"[/color] she erupted in loud thought, before turning to the field of dormant humanity to survey what was on offer. [color=Yellow]"Her words really, like, confirm your words, though."[/color] Zenia admitted briefly, in a rare lowering of her voice to slip past the champions. Even so, her demeanor remained impenetrably bright. She drifted in a skipping step across the landscape, using her divine sense and might to lift several thousand of the dormant beings from their resting place to hover with her instead. [color=Yellow]"I'll make sure both I and they are, you know, ready. I'm, like, on your team now. Good girls gotta stick together. Come find me, like, whenever, yeah? I'll treat you to a real party."[/color] With that, the golden-haired Zenia leapt into the sky, lifting her sampling of human drones from the ground with her as she made her way upwards from whence she came. Instead of crashing into the colossosus again however, she drifted eastwards, out over the ocean. The humans followed her like a dutiful flock of birds, except for one, who clonked harmlessly into a titan in Zenia's place and fell out of her control without the goddess noticing. Homura continued to dwell upon the unsettling evidence of her previous ponderings and perspective of the pantheon after once again she had waved farewell to another divine. She compelled herself to remain calmly composed, and continued to attempt to alleviate her concerns with thoughts of her purpose, and the gift of humanity shared with her peers. The red goddess wore a wry smile now, and preoccupied herself with watching over her creations. Then there was a terrible explosion. [hr] In the opposite direction Zenia had flown towards, in the lands west of where she was now, the earth was ruptured and ravaged by an intense divine power that was larger than any Homura had seen before. Sound reached her; a deep and vast roar that cracked stone and shook water, even the air seem to shatter before its immense violent push. The cacophony reverberated and rumbled like a colossal snarling beast, there was no shelter from its presence. The red goddess had the distinct pleasure of hearing each and every fracture and burst of rock and tree, while the grass and flowers could not even utter a whisper before they had all perished. The soil by her feet had shifted, and though her humans could not perceive its effect in its entirety, the goddess of honor witnessed as all of the land around her stirred to unwilfully accommodate the radically aggressive alteration of Galbar's north western continent. Her gaze turned to the great cloud of debris, massive chunks from the destroyed mountains, and an endless storm of dust and ash, the aftermath soared towards them. Homura ignored the cries of her champions, as all three of them had been tossed aside by the thunder, even the mighty colossi had fallen. Without warning, Daybringer extended until it was longer than the three colossi that had been mostly unburdened of vessels after the explosion. The weapon had grown to massive for her to effectively wield, so she simply threw it at the wave. Without her golden spear in hand, she surged towards the oncoming wave of destruction with the intention of halting it before it could harm more life. She leapt and dashed across the damaged landscape, traveling the great distance in long and swift strides. The world blurred around her, but she sharpened her sense and reflexes until everything was clear to her. In her heightened state, she observed the slow crawl of dust in the wind, and lethargic quivering trees. The frantic dance of the sea of grass she tread upon became slow and playful. Time seemed to slow for her. She passed her thrown spear that had yet to reach its destination, stepping underneath the shaft as though it were suspended in the air above her. Closer to the torrent of broken mountains, Homura could better discern each piece of the storm, and hastily amended her plan. She leapt up and ascended towards the unhurried weapon, until it was within her reach. Then she touched it, and it was adjusted to her size. In her grasp, it shone with celestial light that illuminated the tempest, and the red goddess became heavenly fire that merged with the radiance of Daybringer. Faster than mortal eyes could perceive, the golden spear slashed and cut through the flying calamity, each strike eviscerated its momentum and suspended stones in the sky. Homura channeled divine power, and her mind burned with cosmic lucidity as she was everywhere at once. [b]"[u]Ten thousand thorns tranquil pierce![/u]"[/b] She chanted and had spoken without hesitation, as an energy within her emerged and demanded to be heard. Her voice resonated with her conviction and shape, as the light that was her reached far and fast. She soared through the sky, and saw traces of herself in a myriad of stances and placements as she fought off the storm. Her position shifting and her body dancing between each clash with the debris so quickly, that it seemed as though thousands of her were moving in sync to defend Galbar. The entire encounter was finished before the last of the mountainous fists had crashed upon the land, and a massive ring akin to a small simulacrum of the ring which encircled the planet, was all that remained. Homura was the fire that held the ring aloft, a corona of light that lifted the ruins of the devastated earth. Her form was woven between the massive chunks of debris, and she strained to prevent them from causing anymore harm. She could not carry the circle for much longer, and called upon more of her power. Slowly she retreated with the ring back to the shore where her humans still slept. She watched from afar as her champion had arisen, and the three colossi stood still after they had also arisen, but her heart hurt upon the sight of the vessels that had fallen from their backs. She could not concern herself with their loss yet, as the fiery ring weighed even more heavily upon her. Anger and sorrow blinded and weakened her, as she cursed herself for her failure to protect all of creation. She could look towards the pale moon, and could only listen as it was scarred once more, as regret seeped its fangs into her. "[b]I shall make a shelter for the faithful![/b]" She proclaimed desperately, and allowed the winds to carry her voice across the land in every direction. "And it shall be known as [b]Keltra[/b]." Strenuously directing the massive ring towards the shore, she guided it to the ground. Its shape was sharply defined, an incandescent circle, from which sections splintered forth and drifted towards the center. The fragments formed a large vessel with openings along its base faintly resembling the structures within the divine palace. Her burden landed upon the earth, and became still, its light and fire fading as the mass returned to stone. From the ruination of the land to the west; the devastation of its mountains and forests, she had forged the first citadel. Her essence had infused the ring and keep, its towering walls were stained scarlet like her fierce eyes. The bastion in the center was as large as two of the colossi combined, and stood like a bulwark against evil as it loomed atop a rise in the land at the center of the ring. A hundred doorways led into the central structure itself, but there were no gates along the outer wall preventing access to those that were unable to climb or fly over it. Homura strode from where she stood back to her quiet fields, allowing herself to find and worry about her three champions before she could concern herself with the consequences of what had happened. Courage, Kindness, and Fear were silent as she approached, each of them wore solemn expressions. Courage was the first to speak, the flower that had been tucked behind her ear gone. "We couldn't... they fell, and we couldn't!" The champion fell to her knees and began weep, still trying to convey herself. "The water, they just sank, and we were choking. They wouldn't move! They wouldn't... no matter what we did." Homura turned her gaze to the shore, where more and more vessel were pulled to land by the waves. She could not see the sacred fires within them. She knew they would never awaken. "Courage, do not blame yourself." She said, as she stirred herself forward despite the aching pain in her chest, and held onto her crying champion. The red goddess was not surprised when Fear crashed into them and clung tightly to her as well. Kindness merely stood, struggling to smile for her sisters. She remembered the soothing presence of the goddess of revelry and thought that was what Zenia would do to ward away the sorrow, but the thought that she had lost the pretty stones she intended to give her stabbed deep into her. Homura looked towards the lone champion attempting a calm visage, and spoke softly. "Kindness, will you console your sisters for now. I must retrieve the fallen and honor them." She stood with Courage and Fear clinging upon her like the leaves upon a tree. She gently removed them, and allowed a little more of her power to provide them with the strength to fight their pain. Kindness moved to switch with the goddess, and began comforting her two sisters. Homura walked towards the waters edge with grave purpose. "I apologize. I could not protect you. I was weak and foolish. I cannot atone for this, but even so... allow me to honor you will never know the blessing of life." Homura held out her hand, reaching towards that nothingness once more. Her honor was always beyond her grasp as her promises to protect life had proven empty. Without further words, she danced. She could no longer articulate her thoughts, and expressed herself through the surrender of her body to truth and its motions. Her grief manifested in graceful sweeps of her arms like the waves that washed along the shore. Her defiance of despair evoked when she kicked outwards again and again while she swirled and shook. She stepped upon the sea, walking across the water as she danced. She would be gentle to them, as she guided their silent shapes back to the surface. More and more bodies arose, and drifted towards the red goddess as she shone like a beacon. When they came close, their forms became ethereal light that danced with her, and sang. Homura prayed to the goddess of revelry in her reverent performance, and tapped into the lingering traces of Zenia's presence in the land. Courage, Kindness, and Fear watched as the sacred fire conducted the light of the fallen, and an otherworldly music reached their ears. They watched as the light began to fade, and all of the empty vessels had been consumed by a heavenly radiance. Then they mourned quietly for the two hundred thousand brothers and sisters that were gone. After the funeral when Homura returned to them, Fear asked the red goddess what their plans were now. "There is little time. We cannot wait. We will continue our journey." She had answered. The three champions found the displaced stone slab and began to work once more. There was no laughter, and very little conversation aside from the directing and following of orders from each other. Homura had realized that she could not leave her humans alone, and chose to create two more that would follow in her path. Her citadel would offer sanctuary, and it will be defended. "[b]Awaken! Wanderer and Curiosity! You have been blessed by my presence, and have been given the opportunity to fulfill a purpose. Come and aid me now. Carry your brothers and sisters to the three creatures that will carry them across Galbar![/b]" And two more shards flowed from her palm into two vessels. Red eyes opened, and Homura saw two more reflections of herself. Two more champions of honor to help her. After they had spoken, Wanderer and Curiosity joined their sisters in their work. [hider=Summary] After completing their task of loading as many dormant humans onto the three colossi, Homura and her three champions are visited by Voligan. He asks to claim some, and she explains that he may freely take some. They both agree to work to protect life from evil forces. Then Zenia appears and crashes into one of the three colossi. She introduces herself, and the three divine converse until Voligan bids farewell and takes 100,000 humans with him in exchange for a future a favor. Homura insists Zenia claim some humans, but the other goddess refuses since she doesn't have a gift to offer in exchange. Homura makes her promise to dance with her in the future, and the two agree. Zenia pledges to help Homura in the future as well before she gathers 4,000 humans and flies eastward. Homura is about to embark on her journey when the lands west of her suddenly explode and thunder flings her and her creations. She sees a great storm of debris from the resulting shockwave, and seeks to prevent further damage to the land. She channels energy and hones herself until she becomes one with the light of her weapon, and moves fast enough to effectively be everywhere to stop the tide. She strikes the storm and halts it momentum, then pulls the debris into a great ring which she uses to forge her first monument, a citadel that she names Keltra. She returns to her champions to discover that the vessels that had been packed upon the colossi had fallen off and drowned in the sea. Homura and her champions mourn those that have died, before they continue their work to spread humanity across Galbar. Homura creates two new champions named Wanderer and Curiosity to assist her and their sisters.[/hider] [hider=Vigor]Cycle 1 Homura's Vigor total: 5. 3 Vigor spent to create Monument - The Citadel; Keltra 2 Vigor spent to create 2 Champions - Wanderer & Curiosity Vigor spent: 5. Remaining Vigor: 0. Courage, Kindness, and Fear gain 2 Spirit. Cycle 1 Voligan's Vigor total: 18. Vigor spent: 0. Remaining Vigor: 18. Cycle 1 Zenia's Vigor total: 7. Vigor spent: 0. Remaining Vigor: 7.[/hider]