[color=CECECE][h1][center][b]A Bite To Eat[/b][/center][/h1][/color] Yesaris was still hungry. Salt was gross they had decided, and the desert full of them was certainly not able to satiate them at all. Though what annoyed them far more was the very existence of that desert. It was so poisonous, dry, and explosive that there was little chance for the fungal mind to ever expand beyond its reach, meaning Yesaris could not so easily sate their hunger. And yet, there was something more, as they passed the desert into a great field of grass, Yesaris came to realize the full extent of the world the others had created, though Yesaris had little idea of who these others were, sure they heard booming voices once in a while, but these were more annoyances than anything. Seeding this world with their precious children one region at a time would surely be more an annoyance than anything, so they clearly needed to speed up the process. They opened their mouth, stretching it impossibly wide, and expelled a thick cloud of white dust. The cloud quickly dispersed throughout the lands, settling itself into the nooks and crannies of the environments of the world. And from its depth emerged those bountiful children of Yesaris, Parasites. Countless pests formed, blood sucking ticks, mosquitoes, leeches, and even bats, plants such as mistletoe that twisted and wrapped upon their kin, worms that infected the intestinal tracts, flies and wasps that implanted their young into the flesh of others, even the parasites of the sea emerged, eager to spread their infection to every reach. Throughout all of Galbar, the parasitic spawn took to their tasks. Integrating into their environments and biomes as neatly as they could. That white dust meanwhile slowly swept away, leaving no trace of their presence, merely leaving the Parasites that had spawn from it. Yesaris, for their part, merely sat and watched as their spawn expanded everywhere, slowly, they could feel their stomach satiated, even if only just a little bit. At least now there was more of their spawn to feed them, and that, they were content with. [hr] Yesaris trudged themselves further through the plains, they were quite vast, sure, they could just rapidly move across them, but they had to admit taking a stroll was far nicer. And was better for spotting areas where they could grow their spawn. And, as if by a small bit of luck, they spotted a perfect opportunity. A ways away, Yesaris could see a group of things, they were tall, bronze-ish skinned beings, with horns upon their heads and strange markings at various points. Yesaris could recognize sapients when they saw them, but they had yet to truly witness them. They krept within the brush, their focus trained exclusively upon the band in front of them, seemingly led by their kin that sat upon great steeds. It was a strange sight for the devourer, but their mind quickly turned to another matter in regards to these sapients, how to feast upon them. Sure, some of their spawn would certainly feast upon them, but it wouldn’t be enough, Yesaris could not just leave it to that, they needed to [i]feast[/i]. And so, something else needed to be done. They slipped themselves back through the brush, further from the possible eyes of the band of mortals, to a more secluded portion of the plains. There, Yesaris began to formulate a plan. These were sapients after all, creatures far more intricate than that of a normal beast. They would require something far more special, something far more fitting for a glorious feast. To do this though Yesaris would need a base, something to transform into another of their glorious spawn. And so they uttered a silent call, a great waft of scent that called forth some of their children to come forth, and serve their creator once more. First came the vampire bats, strong and eager, their teeth were sharp and a great hunger sat within them, one that showed when they fed on mass upon the life of the world. Yet, they feared the light, hunting only at night, and huddled within a lone tree that sat just next to the Lord Parasite. Next came the mosquitoes, plentiful and vast, they were often impossible to find or take down, their soft buzzing being the only sign of their presence. Mosquitoes though were too greedy, it was clear to Yesaris they wished to be their main spawn, and they showed this by gathering just in front of them, showing their devotion. Third were the Leeches, those strange beasts of cartilage, they were strange and often sneaky, almost startling their creator. But unlike the strength of the Bats the Leeches were rather weak, relying upon stealth and surprise to feed, taking their place a bit farther away from the rest. Finally, came the ticks, the smallest of those summoned, they latched onto their hosts, feeding for quite some time, but despite this they were still eager to serve, willing to work past their problems in the service of the Devourer. They placed themselves upon the trunk of the lone tree, forming together to be better seen by their creator. Thus, the spawn had been summoned, and Yesaris could go about their plan. [color=CECECE]”Our sweet, sweet children, you have so perfectly come to our call. And for that, you get to serve us in a great capacity,”[/color] they began, their eternal smile going in between each of the swarms that were laid out before them. [color=CECECE]”We shall gift upon you greater forms, forms that you shall use to feast upon the bounty that are sapients. This shall not go without hardships, you will each have your abilities, but will each have your downsides, we expect you to serve us even with these. Are we understood?”[/color] The gathered spawn nodded and buzzed and squirmed in agreement. Yesaris merely nodded, and raised their hands. A great surge of energy erupted from them, swirling around the four groups, transforming them into something far greater than their previous forms. Collectively, they would become the [b]Vertans[/b], great monstrous beings, that feed upon the blood and life force of mortalkind, utilizing their various ways to feast directly from the mortal themselves. They would have two forms: one akin to their old form and horrific and monstrous, and a mortal form that they could use to infiltrate and deceive the mortals of the world in order to feast, but in order to maintain this form they had to transform to their monster form to feast upon mortals, failure to do so would result in the mortal form deteriorating more and more. Each subspecies of the Vertans would have their own unique abilities, yet their own drawbacks as well. The Bats were strong, with massive forms that could fly through the use of wings attached to their arms, but they could not hunt during the day, as their skin would blister and become covered in rashes, forcing them to hunt at night. The Mosquitoes would be able to keep their mortal forms for a longer period of time, fitting their nature to vanish from sight, in order to maintain this, and to punish their greed, they would have to feed upon far larger quantities. The Leeches were sneaky, able to use their cartilage monster forms to squeeze and maneuver far better than their kin, yet they were not as strong as the others, and could easily be killed were they not careful. Lastly, the Ticks were the smallest(still), and were granted the ability to put those they feed upon to sleep with natural narcotics, but they would have to attach themselves to their victim and feed for a longer period of time. Yesaris was quite proud of this, the Vertans would be perfect for the parasitism of the sapient races, another feast to fill their hunger and allow them to bask in the wondrous food of life. For now though, they had to let them loose. [color=CECECE]”Go forth our children,”[/color] they spoke once more [color=CECECE]”Feast upon the life of mortals, scatter yourselves across the world, let us create a bountiful feast!”[/color] They stretched out their hands, allowing their new spawn to scatter to the winds and lands with the assistance of their power, many would have to feast upon those steed-riders for some time. But they knew they would find themselves new hosts eventually, there was no doubt in their mind about that. With a content sigh, Yesaris set out once more, hoping to finally find themselves out of these plains and onto newer pastures. As they walked, in the distance they heard a great crash, and witnessed rock and dirt fly into the sky, as some sort of great cataclysm sounded in a land a good distance away from the plains. Yesaris for their part merely stared at the crashing of mountains back into the earth, and thought [i]’Well, thats certainly interesting.”[/i] before their stomach reminded them once more of their gnawing hunger, and so they left, heading north, seeking something new to their diet. [hider=summary] Yesaris comes through the salt desert(which is lacking in taste) and finds out that the rest of galbar doesn’t have parasites. This of course has to be rectified, and so Yesaris creates a bunch of mundane parasites all over the biomes. These parasites will fit the biomes they find themselves in, and will adapt to any new biomes that emerge. A good deal after this, Yesaris comes across some Eidolons, and their first sight of sapients makes them decide, hey! Need something special to parasite on those guys. So they summon four other parasites(the “bloodsuckers”TM), that being Bats, Mosquitoes, Leeches, and Ticks. And transforms them into Vertans, shapeshifting vampires pretty much, unleashing them upon the plains and scattering them through Termina for future parasitism. Oh also some weird mountain explosions are seen or something, they’re not food so who cares. [/hider] [hider=Vigor] 3(discounted from 6)-Seed the world with Mundane Parasites 3(discounted from 6)-Create Vertans, shapeshifting vampires with a monster and mortal form, they feed upon mortal blood and life force and must feed in monster form in order to maintain their mortal form. There are four types, each with their own abilities: -the Bats have more powerful monster forms and are able to fly while in it, but sunlight causes them to develop rashes and blisters in the monster form, meaning they can only effectively hunt at night. -the Mosquitoes are able to hold their mortal forms for longer than other vampires but have to consume more blood whenever they are feeding in order to do so. -the Leeches are sneakier than their kin and able to use their mostly cartilage monster forms to squeeze and maneuver with greater ability but they have less strength and so must be sneakier in their feedings. -Ticks are far smaller than their kin and must attach to someone to feed for a longer time, leaving them vulnerable, but they secrete a narcotic substance that puts their victim in deep sleep to allow their feeding. [/hider]