[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180805/88f4ea53271bcf1d43d1efbb1a7e2dda.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180925/99b2750631769e59b75ded789e4e9471.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][@Kirah][/center][hr][center][img]https://c.tenor.com/O7-nEeY1qPUAAAAd/asgard-rainbow-bridge.gif[/img][/center][hr] [b][u]The Palace[/u][/b] Pietro seemed to be calming down now, and actually sort of took a look at the giant wolf that was currently behind a shield of some sort. He hadn't been paying attention until just now, so he was kind of surprised by what was going on, [color=7ea7d8]"Soooooo... Since when was there a giant wolf?"[/color] he couldn't help but ask the others, as the creature let out a bit of a loud howl. [color=yellow]"Uh, since like 5 minutes ago?"[/color] Lance responded with an eye roll, to which Pietro just sort of shrugged it off. The wolf was [i]not[/i] happy to be stuck in the bubble that Ed had made to surround it, and it instantly started pounding on it. Cracks started forming in it from its first hit, and they just kept getting bigger every attack. Eventually, there was a really loud shattering sound from the shield breaking, and there was a bit of a wave of red light that shot off in a bit of a shockwave that coursed through the room as he let out another roar. One thing would seem to happen with Guin though, as when the shockwave happened, it seemed to mess with her, and suddenly the world around her would fade to black, and a deafening silence would occur, as she lost all of her senses entirely! [color=yellow]"Alright, back to trying to deal with this thing..."[/color] Lance commented, sending out a blast of light that missed the wolf entirely. The next thing he knew though, a small rock seemingly appeared out of nowhere and hit him in the head. [color=yellow]"Ow,"[/color] he said, before turning to see that Pietro had been the one to throw it and not the wolf or something like that. [color=yellow]"Seriously? You are supposed to be attacking the wolf, so [i]why the hell did you throw something at me[/i]?"[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"I mean giant wolf, you kind of can turn into a giant thing, so figured that make things go quicker,"[/color] he responded with a shrug. [color=yellow]"Aaaaand you are an idiot still."[/color] The wolf of course wasn't stopping in its attacks, and started throwing large pieces of the throne room at just about everyone. Though its aim was less than stellar, as the bits of rubble more or less just sort of just dropped down from the air, missing just about everyone. However one piece of rubble went straight for Klara, and she easily lifted her sword up, and sliced right through it, the pieces falling harmlessly to the ground. [color=FF17F2]"Well aren't you being rude..."[/color] she muttered, before an idea crossed her mind, and she got a bit of a gleeful smile on her face, [color=FF17F2]"But I think we can fix that..."[/color] Her sword started to glow with a bright pink light, and she swung it in an arc, with enough force that the red glow in the area disappeared entirely. The wolf suddenly had a bit of a funny look in its eye, before it seemed to start to shrink down, and now was barking... Happily? And Klara was giggling a bit, as the werewolf looked no longer like a werewolf, but just an oversized regular one, [color=FF17F2]"You aren't too bad when you aren't being messed with or whatever you know,"[/color] she said giggling like crazy. Sif looked like she was about to make a comment about something, but sort of just shrugged it off, "I wonder how the Allfather will react to the state of things," she mused a bit, seeing the large bits of the throne room that were lying all around the room. "Oh don't worry about him, he knows that fights of all sorts come to those who might not even ask for it," Frigga replied calmly. [color=FF17F2]"Mother, can I keep him pleaaaaaaase?"[/color] Klara asked, as she was scratching the wolf behind the ear and its tail was wagging happily now. "I knew this question was coming..." Sif said with a sigh, seemingly thinking about the best way to answer the question. [color=7ea7d8]"...Shouldn't we be more concerned with dealing with where the wolf came from?"[/color] Pietro then asked. [color=FF17F2]"Oh, that's easy, odds are it was caused by something similar to that flash of light from earlier that shot up into the sky... Which means we need to head over to the area near Baldur's Halls. Which honestly isn't too far from here. You can actually see it from outside, it is the building that has a large garden surrounding it, and shines rather brightly with light,"[/color] Klara replied simply with a shrug. [b][u]The Falls[/u][/b] [color=007236]"It sounds like a beautiful place to be,"[/color] Mary said, giving her a bit of a smile, as they kept nearing their destination. Though once again, the red fog appeared out of nowhere, and started swirling around them. Mary started to get a major headache now, and she put a hand to her head for a brief moment, thinking nothing really of it at the moment though, it wasn't something she thought would matter really. Headaches were fairly common for her at this point, so she didn't say anything. The fog disappeared rather quickly, and out of it stepped [url=https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/bik4HWD4kNKlr9B4w0gCyYWIM6O17GJSyKEYIjoVz5s/https/upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6e/Forseti_zu_Gericht_sitzend.jpg?width=680&height=586]young man[/url] who gave a bit of a smile to Runa when he saw her, "Hello Runa, glad to see you've decided to return to Asgard," he commented to her, more or less sort of ignoring Mary's entire existence. One thing that stuck out in Mary's mind though was that looking between Runa and the newcomer, there was a bit of a resemblance, so odds were that they were closely related, she just wasn't entirely sure which Norse god this was. [i]"A bit odd that someone decided to appear out of nowhere randomly isn't it? Especially since the fog hasn't brought anything good yet. Just some annoyances,"[/i] a voice said in the back of her mind, her head still pounding, and the voice worried her for two reasons. One, what it was saying [i]was[/i] right, and made sense, and was a reason to be worried about the newcomer. The other reason? It wasn't her own mental voice, and it was the voice she'd gotten used to that belonged to Chrysi the psychopath. It was a completely new one, and she wasn't sure she wanted to find out who it really belonged to.