I'm so close to finished but I'm so tired QwQ I'mma finish the backstory tomorrow, but I wanted to run the powers past you cause I was reading over them and was like ... is this OP? This might be OP. [hider=PEWERS] Literal Godhood ... no, just kidding again, see below :P Superpower: Super Speed; Paige has the ability to slip out of sync with normal time, effectively gaining the ability to 'speed up' relative to the rest of the universe. While operating at super speeds, she also has a dampened experience of physical forces, and is able to utilize this feature to a number of effects. For example, since her experience of time is dilated, her experience of gravity, while in super speed, is lessened to a degree. Her momentum, kinetic output, her experience of drag and friction, everything is affected by her super-speed, which can be a good thing, OR a bad thing. Weakness; Paige has four major weaknesses. Firstly, she is a squishy human. Though the effects she can have on the environment might make her seem tough, she's just as vulnerable as anyone out on the street ... IF you can hit her ... or poison her, drown her, etc. She can also get worn out, and succumb to injuries/conditions. Secondly, her powers aren't on all the time. Even in a heavy combat situation, she can't see the effects of what she's done, see what anyone else is doing, communicate, or move forward with anything while every second is taking minutes to pass. She would just go insane five minutes in. Third ... ly? This effect affects only Paige. Not anyone nearby, not her equipment, not her outfit. Anything Paige plans on taking up to full speed needs to be able to survive the journey. LASTLY, while Paige is quite the hazard to the environment, it's also hazardous to her. While her powers lend her some level of protection from the negative effects of physical forces on her, she is not immune. Moving too fast through atmosphere burns, lessened gravity makes her less able to run/move around, trying to run up a wall too forcefully will break the wall, not to mention that using super-speed while submerged in water would probably just crush her. [/hider]