[hider=Nobody] [img]https://i.imgur.com/OWPX1nM.jpg[/img] [h1]Sarah Locke - aka [u]Nobody[/u][/h1] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Sarah Locke [u][b]Hero Name:[/b][/u] Nobody [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 17 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [u][b]Family:[/b][/u] Her father died five years ago, leaving her a small inheritance. Her mother was very unstable for a time afterwards, but she eventually remarried. She now spends a lot of time traveling abroad. The two have become somewhat estranged, although there is no real hatred between them, mostly due to Sarah's isolation. [u][b]Occupation:[/b][/u] No job or current education. She is something of a shut-in, living frugally to stretch out her inheritance. [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] As a hero, Nobody's appearance is hard to define, since it changes so often. She could be the nondescript man across the street, a beautiful lady in a dress, or she could literally be a fly on the wall. She could even be the quarter under your boot. At any time, she could be any thing - a perfect Proteus. In theory, at least. Sarah is more likely to possess something she's comfortable with, or something she appreciates aesthetically. It must be remembered that she's still a young person who has been shut-in for some time; the appeal of the forms she takes is often childish. She has appeared in the guise of a toy such as an action figure or a stuffed animal in most of her experiments so far. (I plan to update this section as a running list of all the prominent forms she's taken.) Leaving aside her power, her human appearance is still remarkable in other ways. Since she does everything she can to stay isolated and inside, she is pale as a ghost and wiry thin. She has long black hair that is poorly kept, with tangles and awful split ends. She has bags under her distant eyes, and her back has bedsores from laying down all day while she uses her powers to enter other bodies. Unless it's a special occasion, she probably isn't wearing anything other than pajamas and t-shirts. No one sees her this way, and she plans to keep it that way. Sarah was already isolated to the extreme before she gained her powers, and now she has a complex about keeping her "secret identity" safe - just like some of the heroes she used to know and love. [u][b]Superpower:[/b][/u] Nobody is able to possess people and objects, leaving her own body behind in the process. She can hop from body to body, and in the inbetween phase she perceives herself as a specter, invisible and hardly existing at all. She isn't able to linger around as a ghost, however. She needs a body to instantiate herself into. When she possesses a living creature, she simply takes over its motor functions and uses the form as if it were her own. While doing this, she has contact with her victim's mind and is able to converse with them. When she possesses an object, however, things get more interesting. The newly ensouled object can be enhanced with her powers, making it much harder or sharper. Moreover, the object can be animated and moved around freely with ghostly forces. Solid objects can be deformed and reshaped, although as a rule the harder and denser an object is, the longer it takes to change its shape. The heavier something is, the more difficult it will be for her to make it levitate without support. And so she tends to be most effective inside of small to mid-size items. As you can imagine, her specialty is infiltration. There aren’t many security systems that can keep her out. But when it comes down to it, she can put up a good fight by controlling an object she’s enhanced. These forms are usually awkward to fight against, they can hit hard, and they don’t present the same vital points as a human. Usually they have to be broken to render them inoperable to her. [u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] Sarah doesn't have much in the way of professional skills. But she is really knowledgeable about nerd culture relating to superheroes, video games, movies, and toys (her only comforts). She can use a computer proficiently, but she's no master hacker. She's also been known to write expressive poetry and other scribbles - not that she would ever show them to someone else. She can't drive, and knows next to nothing about adult life. The only other thing worth mentioning is that she does have a moderate amount of spending money from her inheritance in case of emergency. [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] Mostly the items in her apartment, or special mail-ordered extras if she want to experiment. Otherwise she gets her materials from the outside world - from whatever or whoever she possesses. She has a small collection of souvenirs at home from her escapades into the real world. [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] While using her power, Nobody puts on a playful and confident affect, living up the excitement of having a different body and being a hero. She can be taunting, even aggressive due to the low feeling of risk in these outings. But she is extremely reticent to reveal details about herself and who she is, trying to protect herself and her secret identity. She is likely to respond to prodding about these matters in rude and callous ways in an attempt to stymie the inquiry. Her confident persona is just that, though, and it isn't very convincing under close scrutiny. Naturally, her real depressive and shy personality reveals itself in the details. She has no idea what it would really be like to be that kind of expressive, proactive person, and so she is liable to freeze up or panic when the pressure is on. Sarah has a habit of falling back on lines she's heard from movies or comic books to fill in the gaps in her knowledge. She is a caricature of a super hero, with a sad, lonely girl underneath; one who hides from problems and who needs much more help than she's ever able to admit. [hider=Biography] -- Sarah Locke was twelve years old when her father unexpectedly passed away on a business trip. At the time she was a brilliant young girl with a bright future. My how things would change for her. Her mother became despondent after her husband passed away. She withdrew into their home, so much so that she ended up losing her job. For a full year she hardly went out or spoke to anyone, and she left the house in total disarray. What else could the grieving Sarah do but imitate her? The young girl also became withdrawn and depressive. She started pursuing very niche hobbies such as video games, cult classic films, and superhero minutiae. The small fortune she had just inherited her allowed her to finance her own interests. The focus on superheroes was especially odd. They were adored by everyone, but getting involved with the secondary media and products was usually something that young boys would do. But something about the heroes inspired her. Maybe it was escapism from her dreary circumstances; or maybe she had a secret hope that the "impossible" abilities might one day bring her father back to life. Things continued like this for some time. Eventually, her mother managed to recover and she made a new start in the world. She reconnected with old friends, started dating, and eventually found someone else to marry. But Sarah could not follow her back into the world. She had no memories or experience there; all she knew was her own solitude and reckless obsession. These differences eventually led to Sarah seeking emancipation from her mother. With the help of a lawyer and evidence of the mother's bad behavior some years before, she eventually succeeded. She received custody of herself at age sixteen and leased a modest apartment on the outskirts of the city. There she continued her shut-in existence, diving deep into whatever media she could find to relieve her loneliness. Her idolization of superheroes lessened as they started losing prominence, and eventually died off, taking her hopes of a reunited family with them. Then the impact happened. There was a lot of buzz about it on the web, and Sarah spent a sleepless night investigating. When she finally did go to bed, she started having very strange dreams. Realistic dreams, about being out in the world, about being an adult, about being someone else. At first she thought it just had to do with her lack of sleep, but the dreams continued. The circumstances always differed, but she was always in the city. In moments of lucidity she would look around and recognize familiar landmarks. It was all so confusing. Sarah had maintained a practice of playing imaginative games with her action figures and model cars. One day she was pushing a car around, vividly inspired by some scene in her head. She was driving the muscle car through the city streets at night, flaunting the law and being a daredevil. Suddenly she noticed that she could see herself. Not in the fantasy, but in reality. In her room. She could see herself slumped over the playset, looking down on the car. The sight of her giant, stark white face startled Sarah so much that she fell into a pit of panic, immediately starting and waking herself up. The next day, something similar happened. She was watching a bird on her windowsill intently as it preened itself, when suddenly she no longer saw the bird but the city view from her balcony. A moment later and she was flying. She had no explanation for it, but she [i]was[/i] the bird. Somehow she was inside of it - no, controlling it. The bird was going exactly where she wanted it to. These strange events became her new obsession. She found that she could make the experience more stable if she laid down in her bed and focused on a nearby object. From there, she could jump to other objects while leaving her body in relative safety. Four days later, she was controlling a middle-aged man on the streets, walking around in his body and testing her power. She found no maximum range. The experience was just as clear, no matter how far she tried to go. Later, she used this man's body to stop a mugging, fighting off a thief with great difficulty, and sharing in the man's pain when he took a punch. This experience was exhilarating and extremely memorable; but Sarah was deeply disturbed by the voice she heard inside the man's head. He was speaking, no, [i]thinking[/i] to her. She heard all about his confusion, and his constant panicked resistance stayed with her for days. She became afraid of the effects of jumping into another human's body. Her paranoia really went berserk on this idea; she feared that she might end up stuck in the other body, or that her mind would be polluted by the other souls. She decided to keep possession of humans to a minimum until she could learn more. It was around then that she started hearing the first whispers online about the return of the superheroes. She didn't believe it at first. But the more she read, and the more she thought about the experiments she was performing, she became convinced that it was the truth. She became convinced, that she also had become a superhero. The experiments would continue, but sooner rather than later, she would try to use her new abilities to make a real difference. [/hider] [/hider]