[img]https://anjalisk96.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/father-wolf-children-48501.jpg[/img] Name: Zephyr Deniel Age: 24 Fae properties: Blessed with the Gift of Flame Personality: Zephyr is a very laid back individual, he could spend an entire day doing nothing and he would consider that a day well spent. He doesn't like rushing in to things, but usually with a bit of coaxing he's willing to try new things or even go on an adventure. There is something deeper to Zephyrs personality though, he doesn't like getting angry and it takes a lot to get him there. When he does get angry though it's advisable to stay clear, as he's liable to hurt anyone in his way. Bio: Zephyr never wanted an exciting life, so of course he had to be one of the many people in Arrow Oak who was anything but normal. He finds his ability neat but he doesn't like people making a big deal out of it. He's always tried to keep it on the down low, even when he was rather young. It helped that he didn't have many friends in his youth, he'd much rather have had his head in a book than talk to people. That didn't stop Eris though, and something about her endeared Zephyr to her. They had plenty of good times, even though from the outside it would seem they were quite the opposites. Currently Zephyr is a package delivery driver in the city, giving him a 45 minute commute both ways. He still practices a bit with his ability, just in case something crazy were to happen, it's better than having a gun.