[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/IiyxbLF.jpg[/img] [sub][@ERode][/sub][/center] [indent] Safia's weekdays were always strictly regimented. 6:30 to 6:45 - Wake up, check her inbox and respond to any notifications (sometimes hate mail). 6:45 to 7:15 - Write 200-300 words for her most recent project (currently a space station AU about two brothers stranded together. With tentacles.) 7:15 to 7:35 - Get fully dressed and ready for the day (brush and clean, habit, makeup) 7:35 to 8:00 - Breakfast 8:00 to 12:00 - Morning Classes 12:15 to 12:45 - Working lunch, usually on schoolwork or more writing 12:45 to 15:00 - Afternoon classes 15:15 to 15:20 - Arrive back at dorm room, strip clothes onto floor and collapse into bed 15:20 to 16:06 - 46 minute nap 16:07 to 18:00 - Schoolwork, Bible Study 18:00 to 18:30 - Dinner 18:30 to 20:00 - Spells practice 20:00 to 21:00 - Write 700 words 21:00 to 23:00 - [color=gray][REDACTED][/color] 23:00 to 00:00 - Scroll social media aimlessly until drifting off to sleep Her life was in order. She was managing to balance work, play, writing, and schoolwork all in one. Fans wanted her, antis feared her. Yes, she didn't get to interact very much with other students, but it wasn't that big of a deal. She had church on Sundays and class during weekdays, which was more than enough physical interaction for her. Safia [i]liked[/i] people, loved them, even, especially their delightful relationships and crushes, and she was perfectly capable of interacting with them, but it was all so [i]tiring[/i]. Much more fun to watch from a distance, hide in some bushes, and take notes. No, she very much liked her perfect little storm of organized chaos. So, of course, it all had to come floundering to a halt. Her classmate in Utsumi's class, the Strigidae who always blazed through work faster than a burning bush, strode by her desk at the end of the lecture and invited (well, moreso ordered) her to the library. Before she could even ask why, he'd disappeared. Safia's brain immediately went into overdrive. She turned the words over and over in her head through the rest of the school day. [color=f7941d]“Safia Reges... ...After school, library. Study room 2209e. Be there.”[/color] Those words... could really only mean one thing, right? Coupled with the circumstances... An invitation to a secluded place after school... neglecting to even meet her eyes for more than a second... the calm tone CLEARLY hinting at something hidden underneath... refusing to elaborate before leaving as fast as possible... It was clearly a confession! Safia blushed as bright a red as her hair. She'd never received a proper confession before! Growing up in convent hadn't exactly exposed her too much to members of the opposite sex. And she'd never been in a relationship before... But that'd be okay, right? There was a first time for everything, and she really did need to get some [i]hands-on[/i] experience for her writing. Her writing... Ah. Being in a relationship would eat into her personal time. It'd mean dates, but also less time to write. And with so many followers who'd be disappointed, she really couldn't have that, could she? She was just getting to the really REALLY good part, and she wouldn't want to leave her readers waiting in anticipation... She took a deep breath, readjusted her outfit, then made her way to the library after classes finished. How did confessions usually go? Pretty terribly, all things considered. There could be baseballs flying through windows, fireworks breaking local explosive safety laws, or even a spontaneous wardrobe existence failure. She'd have to get it over quickly. VERY quickly, in order to avoid the worst possible outcome. And, truth be told, she wasn't really all that into him anyway. Safia knew she could be a head-turner, but the boy's head turned a little too much for her liking. That thought gave her a little bit of comfort. There were plenty of other boys who might otherwise ask her out in the future. [indent][i]Proverbs 13:12, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, But when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.”[/i][/indent] Yes, there would be more chances in the future. She stopped at the door to study room 2209e, opened the door, stepped inside, and immediately bowed halfway and slammed her eyes shut. [color=FFD700]"I'm sorry! I can't accept your feelings! I know you must be disappointed, but I'm still willing to be your friend, if it's not too selfish of me!"[/color] [/indent]