Ulfric's eyes shifted too Kris, who would have just as soon he kept his attention on Dax. It had been several years since she had officially been part of the Legion but her leather armor and equipment were obvious marks of that affiliation. The Yarl's eyes were cool and glacier blue as he looked at her and a murmur ran through the court. "Greetings Landstrider," Ulfric said with a touch of humor to his voice. "Ulfric," Kris responded with deliberate informality. It was foolish in the extreme she knew and in her mind she had prepared herself to bow and scrape, but now that she was here she found herself unable to follow through on such a sensible plan. Silently she prayed that it didn't splash back on Dax. "That is Yarl Ulfric!" one of the henchmen spat. "I'm pretty sure they strip you of your titles once you murder your king," Kris responded. The hall erupted in angry shouts and there was a general scraping of weapons clearing scabbards. Kris didn't reach for her own weapon, if they decided to kill her there wasn't much she was going to do about it with her sword. "SILENCE!" Ulfric shouted, and it was more than mere words, it struck like a gale and rattled the stones like the blast of a great wind. In the wake of the command a quiet so profound that Kris could feel her heart beating fell over the room. "This woman is a guest in my hall... even if she chooses to be discourteous," Ulfric continued in a regular speaking voice. "And you are mistaken Breton, they don't strip Jarls of titles for killing a man in a fair duel," Ulfric replied in a tone that suggested he had made the remark many times in the past. Kris shrugged her shoulders. "Must have been for the rebellion then," she added, getting more angry grumbles from the hangers on. "You were in the Legion I see," Ulfric said, changing the topic. "I was with the Tenth, back during the war," Kris admitted, casting her eyes to the side at the glares she was receiving. It would have been a very good idea to take the olive branch that was being offered, but once again she found she couldn't. How was Ulfric any different from the man she had hunted for betraying his comrades? "Good men..." Ulfric began. "And Mer as well," Kris put in stubbornly. This time Ulfric didn't bother to respond, he just gave her a look that invited her to go on if she had more to say. "Are you with the Empire now Legionnaire? Are you spying for Tullius?" Ulfric asked, sounding like a cat playing with a mouse. "I'm just a pensioner," Kris replied, managing to reign in her tongue before it managed to put her in an early grave. "Do you swear that by your ancestors?" Ulfric asked. Kris nodded glibbly. "You bet," she replied sweetly.