Elissa didn’t feel him jump when the cabin boy knocked on the door because she had jumped as well. She’d forgotten about the boy bringing food. “As you got older your father took you on business trips all the time, it wasn’t unusual for you to leave with him. You just normally told me so I wouldn’t worry. When you disappeared that last time I thought you’d just left and forgot to say goodbye, but when you never came back I knew something had happened.” She explained. “I feared the worst when father said one of your father’s ships had been found destroyed. Now it seems like someone destroyed it to get rid of you and your father but make it look like an accident.” She sighed. “I’m just glad that you are safe and that I have found you.” Elissa looked up at him with a smile before kissing him. “You sent the cabin boy away. Are you going to search for the dagger now?” She’d told him nearly everything she could remember about their childhood. There wasn’t much more left to tell unless he wanted details to some of their adventures. “Things got lonely after you left. Almost like my life was over and I was just left to watch the world go on.”