Augusta had a busy day ahead of her and with a good night's sleep, she was ready to do so. "Good morning, Octavian." She told her pup as she rose from bed and used her eye. "Growing and Satiated..." She made sure the girl was fed before they went to sleep, but should she really still be "satiated" this long after eating? Hmmm... The queen seems to be uncannily good at know things going on in the castle... She roused the dog and got ready for the rest of the morning. Perhaps today she'd try to have Isidore watch Octavia. Really, she wanted to see if it was Octavia being around that bothered Leuca. She was ready rather quickly and she asked her pet-like companion, "Would you mind hanging around with Isidore for a bit today until after I'm done with my early morning studies?" If the demon dog didn't seem to opposed, she'd go to Isidore's room to ask. Unexpectedly, she saw the Prince outside his room. "Oh, good morning to you. And I was just fine last night, Isidore. Thank you for asking. Octavia and I slept on a very comfortable bed. In fact, would you mind watching her for this bit in the morning? I'd rather her not be around Rullphana for now, if you understand." She asked him, "I need to get going though so I'll leave her here with my future husband." She teased the Prince before heading off towards Leuca's room so they could get a start to their lesson with the magical Shadow Elf Rullphana.