Lily felt like her lungs were on fire as she ran, pumping her legs as hard and fast as she can while fleeing from the little virus. Little balls of yellow light flash over her head, exploding or sailing by harmlessly. They seem to be half aiming for her and half chasing her. Clutching the box to her chest, the young girl felt that it must be important if monsters wanted it. And if the type of monsters to attack little girls want it then there was no way she was going to let them have it. Whatever had inspired the evolution of her partners was starting to wear off. Cabdlemon hoped along feebly, throwing back what she realized were loogies of wac at the monsters, "We...we can't keep this up..." He told her in a strained voice, finally stopping to catch his breath before getting nailed by one of the attacks. In a flash of light Lily suddenly found herself holding a little fire ball. She knew she should throw it away or get away...but little DemiMeramon was neither burning her or too hot for her to handle. It seems that it's flames either did not burn those around him or whatever bond they shared had protected her from it burning her. Wormon though fights fiercely, head butting one of the little creatures and giving the trio time to flee over the cress of the hill. Yet even now the green larva loomed exhausted, a similar flash of light transforming it back into Minomon. All seemed lost until she saw...people. Lily could see them fending off the monsters with something...or someone. She didn't have much of a choice. Scooping the two into her arms, she sprints for towards the older people, what looks like a boy and a girl. She yells out, "Help us!" Before tripping and stumbling head over heels down, clutching the box and the two baby digimon to her chest.