Wyn did end up being surprised by what was in the bunker, finding it all way too... normal, considering everything that had just taken place. This was a kidnapping, after all, and he had figured that she was going to throw him into a cold dark cellar, or some other place that was just as frightening and unpleasant. He was glad that did not happen, obviously. Now, [i]this[/i] was cozy. After taking a quick look around, he let out an impressed whistle and spoke again. "Dang, you live here? I see that you've put a lot into the entertainment aspect, it looks better than what I have back at my dorm," he commented. "I guess whatever mafia activities you're involved in pay you well." His current surroundings made him feel more at ease, and his lighthearted statements were now more natural than his forced humor earlier. Roxy really did not seem like she wanted to hurt anyone. Well, perhaps save for this father of hers she had mentioned. What kind of trouble was she in exactly? Before he found that out, however, it would be best to get rid of this alcohol headache that was now harder to ignore after the significant decrease in the stress he had been going through from getting abducted. He casually plopped himself onto the couch. "The only thing, huh? Sounds like a big thing. Before we start, do you have like, Aspirin or something around here? My head's killing me."