[@Ozzy Cross] [@Searat] [@Kumbaris] [@Forsythe] Shina turned to see a stranger appear from nowhere 'Wait...is that...Thomas?! Thaddeus' boy??!' Shina blinked hard as she could feel the vines tightening around her. What on earth was the boy thinking?! This was no place for him and she watched helplessly as he too got caught by the same vines that had by now, tangled the whole group. She saw Lapoo fly around her, squeaking with fear, not being super helpful. Then as she felt her mind start to spin, she heard something, or was it someone? It was familiar but all at once strange and frightening. She could feel her heartbeat pulse quicker and quicker, her very soul felt like it was aflame, as though someone had thrown a fresh piece of wood on a fireplace. As she opened her eyes again, the world looked completely different. She saw her friends as, well as other beings! But what came to her was the dragon lady, Shina saw her as a dragon again! But not in its real scale this time, almost as though she could see the aura of the human (or in this case elf form) and within it, a small version of the very real dragon she was. She turned to Rudolph, again a faint outline of the wizard but within, a glowing blue magical being existed. Shina shook her head again, this must be a hallucination, caused by a lack of air. But as she looked down, she saw the same with her, the outline of the elf form but within, a fiery flame red panda burned! Her heart quickened...and kept quickening...and then.....she saw Guan. Or was it? [color=green] 'Guan?...Is that you?....ple..ase...he..l..p...us'[/color] As she was losing consciousness again. Guan walked up to her and whispered...[color=yellow]'You don't need me Shina, you know what to do.'[/color] And just like that, he disappeared. Lapoo started squeaking louder and louder, becoming more primal. Suddenly, Shina felt a surge of power course though her and yelled [color=red] 'ESTELIAR!!!!!'[/color] Her eyes burned red and she doubled round, grabbing her dagger from her satchel and sliced through the vine holding the wizard. The vine slithered back, giving her time to jump down and run towards the others. As quick as lighting, she started to cut through the vines, one after the other.