Matias watched Midnight take her leave in silence. He only looked back at the sound of Iris's voice, raising his eyebrows when she was done. "Well," he said, "she can have fun losing sleep. I'm going to get [i]mine[/i] back. Good night." And off he went to "his" room. As he approached the bed, he ran his finger along where he was shot. The faux leather of his jacket had been ripped clean through, crisp around the edge of the bullet hole. Iris did a good job fixing him up, but he was left with a small but noticeable scar that was rather touch to the touch. "Damn moth," he snarled under his breath, tossing his ruined jacket onto the floor. He made himself comfortable. No jacket, no jeans, comforters wrapped nicely around him as he laid on his side. His unease poked at him to keep him awake, but it only worked for so long. Soon he was undergoing REM, and soon he'd get to see what was in store for him when the sun rose, for better or for worse.