Hello, I don't have a ton of experience with forum role-playing. I am a life-long TTRPG player (Call of Cthulhu, Dungeons and Dragons, Things from the Flood, etc.) both as a player and GM, and when I was a young teen I was semi-active on chat-room role-playing sites like MSPARP. I like fantasy, sci-fi, drama, and (when I am up for the crazy amount of research) historical fiction. Right now, I am hoping to join some casual, beginner friendly groups or one-on-ones. I really like the idea of being part of a years long, sprawling collaborative story-telling venture, but I figure I should try to find my footing here first. While I do not really want to write as a character from a pre-existing work, I do not mind the idea of writing within a pre-created setting. I am in your care; thank you. (シ_ _)シ