[img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/GrRyTHMRb-rNZkfKj4yDTBLSanN2MZW1zqEoe6_wAgE/https/i.imgur.com/TNKWY8p.png[/img] [sub]"No matter what, I love you, but I must do this for my kingdom. I hope you understand."[/sub] [hr][hr] [indent]The wind whistled its beautiful melody through Alvaro’s hair as he stood upon the balcony that overlooked the beautiful lush forest of Lorien. His eyes were closed as he felt the arms of his lover wrap around his midsection. The taller male’s chin rested on Alvaro’s shoulder as he continued to feel the breeze flow around them. “What is your plan?” “I don’t know. This is all so stupid, but if it is my father’s wishes how can I say no?” “Like this. NO.” “Says the one who does everything he says.” “Listen my love. No matter what, I will always love you and I will always support you, even if you have to go and frolic with some girl.” “I know my love. I will make it up to you, I promise. I will find a way to do this without having to marry someone I don’t love. I wish to marry you, to live as we do now without hindrance.” “I won’t stop you from doing what the King asks. You are the heir to his throne. You are the future leader of Lorien. I feel this will prepare you more to take the helm when your time comes, but for now, you’re mine for the next hour.” Alvaro turned to look his lover in the eyes as they shared a passionate kiss before returning to his chambers. He was set to leave that day to head to Astalia and he wanted to spend the last night with his love before marrying a princess he didn’t love nor wanted to love. Alvaro and his lover spent the hour holding each other before Alvaro’s guard knocked on the chamber doors to let him know the King was waiting. ---- The distance wasn’t too great from Lorien to Astalia, but Alvaro had decided to only travel with two guards instead of an entourage. His father had tried to order him to take more, but Alvaro stood his ground and gave his father an order which seemed to surprise the older man, but Alvaro’s mother had smiled and ushered him off with just two guards. Alvaro was capable of taking care of himself, no matter how much his father thought he needed protection. He had fought countless battles to defend his kingdom and was quite the warrior. What surprised him more is the guard that his father insisted go with him on this mission of ceremonial engagement. “Nairo, you have to promise that no matter what, you won’t act out during the ceremony,” Alvaro said sternly to his boyfriend of three years. “I promise, I’m just here to make sure you get there safe and besides, you know you love it.” Their entourage of three approached the Kingdom of Astalia and as they approached, they saw the other princes that had come for the hands of the other princesses. Alvaro sighed and approached as the stable men took the horses they’d come on. Alvaro moved with supreme elegance and lowered his head to show respect to the princes of the other kingdoms. He carried with him an aura of light, and the wind seemed to blow in response to his presence. He held one hand behind his back as the other gripped a beautiful fan made of metal that could slice a man’s throat with ease. He fanned himself lightly as he was led to the meeting area. There was no loud announcement of his coming, or anything except the guard of Astalia knowing of his arrival by vision alone. “It is an honor to be in the presence of the great King of Astalia and his daughters. I surely hope he will understand,” Alvaro said to Nairo who stood beside him along with the other guard. [/indent]