[center][img]https://c.tenor.com/IKLJgcaswTAAAAAd/luo-yunxi-yunxi.gif[/img] [h2][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211103/65845c304d04e837bbad627e0dd9e2b6.png[/img][/h2] [sub]Reverence the Cacophony...[/sub] [/center] [hr][hr] [indent]Finally, the bus pulled into the destination and not a moment too soon. Bulk and Skull were really wearing Sa’Cha’s patience thin. One more outburst from them and he would’ve transformed them both into crickets for the remainder of the trip, no matter who saw him do it. Thankfully, the bus had halted movement and they all proceeded to exit the cramped space. There was a reason he didn’t ride the bus to Angel Grove High. He didn’t like cramped spaces and he didn’t like awkward interactions, one reason he hadn’t asked Finn out yet. He was scared. Not of rejection, but of what Finn would think of him. Slowly he exited the bus and watched as Finn performed his cheer about baked good. Why was he so cute? There was mention of a tour of the location before setup would take place. Finn seemed overly excited, while Sa’Cha needed a moment to collect his thoughts. Andrew suddenly hugged him from behind and smiled. “Now’s your chance lover boy,” he said as they watched Finn hurry towards the others as they prepared for the tour of the facility. “Later,” Sa’Cha replied. “Besides, we should focus on the reason we are here Andrew.” “The reason YOU are here is to ask Finn out and help with his bake sale. The reason I am here is to make sure you do exactly that. Now let operation ‘Finn and Sa’Cha Sitting In A Tree’ commence,” Andrew nearly blurted out before stepping away from Sa’Cha who had a scowl on his face. “You’ll thank me later.” Sa’Cha grumbled and moved towards the rest of the group eager to hear what all needed to be said on the tour. He couldn’t shake the odd feeling that had come over him as soon as they’d driven onto the land. It was odd and he felt it in the pit of his stomach. His head thumped like a soft hammer hitting wood. He pushed it to the back of his head as he looked around. [/indent]