Ulfric weighed the statement in his mind, and after a moment of consideration, he looked as if he had made up his mind. "Very well, you are welcome here. And though I doubt you will believe me, I have no ill will towards Bretons or even full-blooded mer, as long as they do not commit fealty to the Thalmor. You forget, I was a Legionnare myself once, like mighty Talos. Unlike the Imperials, however, I will not bow to those who sought to slaughter my people as they have with the Thalmor. The once mighty empire are now whipped dogs, and Skyrim wants no part in it." "I have heard others in this land think differently," Kris remarked with a smile. "The Thalmor are enslaving bastards, but do not become that which you hate, good Jarl Ulfric." Her tone was mocking, but Ulfric finally laughed. Loudly. "You should look at your own history, Imperial. There is no people on Tamriel who have subjugated more than your people, and they still seek to do it here. Only now under someone else's dominion. I only wish to leave Skyrim to the Nords, as Blackmarsh is left to the people of your friend." He extended a hand at Dax, and more than a few eyes fell on him. Truth be told, Daixanos cared nothing about the politics of men and elves. The nords of skyrim were fine people, for landstriders, but they were divided and he wasn't going to direct them one way or the other. The followers of the Hist did not have the fondest memories of Imperials attempting to conquer their lands, but their main enemies were the Dunmer. He still felt the jarring of his arm when he last struck and killed one of the wretched dark elves with his axe. "We are welcome in your hall," Daixanos repeated slowly, promptly changing the subject. "But why are we here? You have not put ussss in c-chainssss." He looked visibly uncomfortable at the mention of the word. "Do me the honor of telling me why. You are not recruiting us, are you?" Ulfric stroked his blonde beard, sobering up. He was very passionate about the current political divide, but he wouldn't be the leader if he could not cool himself at will. "You are right, my friend. I did invite you two for a reason. You see, there is another threat to Skyrim that is not Imperial, and I cannot send my men or it will spark the war I hope to avoid for now. You must do this, and if you do, you will be greatly rewarded by whatever you wish from the Jarl of Windhelm."