Matias had cocooned himself in the sheets, the soft linen pressing lovingly against his skin. He would have slept in forever were it not for the sun piercing his eyes with its brilliant rays. He stirred awake, slowly but surely pulling himself out of his literal comfort zone with a yawn. There was a pit in his stomach that was begging to be filled with something– anything– so he ventured out of the room in search of some sort of kitchen. That was when he heard a sudden hiss, like gas escaping a broken pipe, from the guest room. A peep from the crack of the door revealed to him that the bug's helmet was oozing blue smoke like it was on fire. The hissing tapered off eventually, as did the smoke. Then, the helmet's lenses flickered on, and the bug was reanimated, slowly rising to its feet. It took a moment to groom its antennae and neck fur in its hands before looking towards Iris. "GOOD MORNING," it signed, flicking one of its antennae before looking towards the door. "AND SALUTATIONS, HUMAN." Matias swore under his breath, practically scrambling away from the door and nearly falling onto his posterior. The wall behind him served as support, but it had the drawback of making him sound a quite noticable impact with his back.