The bug gave Iris a gentle nod, dwelling on the question for a few seconds after. Its hands floated over its chest as it seemed to be thinking. Then, suddenly, it looked at Iris again, ready to speak. "MY TRUE NAME IS CONFIDENTIAL," it signed, "BUT YOU MAY CALL ME OLEANDER. I DO NOT HAVE A PRONOUN PREFERENCE." "Oleander" began making its way to the door, its hobble from last night now gone. It stared at Matias from the doorway and even stayed doing so for a few moments as it stepped down the hall without a word. Matias watched it creep down the stairs, hearing every creak under the creature's boots. He only stood straight once he couldn't see or hear it anymore. From there, he began walking to where he was told to go. That was when he heard pacing behind the door to the supposed office. He could only assume what was going on in there. "Have you been doing that all night?" he called. "[i]Mija, ya es suficiente.[/i] At least come out to get something to eat."