Kyaromon strained with all its might, trying to follow its partner's instructions, but it seemed to lack the energy needed to digivolve further. It looked back at Suzy apologetically before trying again, and once again being unable to digivolve. The sense of danger fading away from Suzy's mind might have had something to do with it, but there was no way to be sure. It could just as easily have been any number of other reasons. But Kyaromon kept trying. Seeing a new threat, the Mettaur that Fefnir shouted at targeted him and swung its pickaxe at the ground, causing a shockwave that blasted in a straight line towards him. It moved at a decent but easy to dodge pace, slower than the bullets that the viruses fired. Lily reached the top of the hill and shouted, the Mettaur behind her chasing after her until it noticed that Simon wasn't running away. The virus began targeting him instead, but he frantically dodged the attacks, giving Lily a chance to escape from it. As she ran, she tripped and fell down the hill, landing a short ways away from the newly formed Navi that was partnered with Aki. Ciel.exe formed in a similar way to Fefnir, a silhouette of light that quickly filled with ones and zeroes, leaving a solid body where they passed. The instant she fully formed she had slashed the Mettaur in twain, causing its halves to flash white and disappear with a loud sound of a bit-crunched screech. The other Mettaur that had fired at Aki now turned to face Ciel, firing a bullet at her. As the three final viruses approached the tower ever closer, it became clear that one of the two from the west had a strange marking on its helmet in place of the usual green plus sign. In fact, it looked a lot like the marking on the underside of the wrist brace on the humans' Expanse Callers...