[hr] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/891155400290889768/907004484360732712/93ECB111-852B-4E21-8C3F-659DD694AD9B.png[/img][/center] [center][sub]Location: Charity Gala Interaction: None[/sub][/center] [hr] Another shitty year, another shitty Holiday season. The only good thing about this time was that the rich and powerful held more charity galas now than they did the rest of the year. The white haired male had secured himself a job as a server at several of them already and this one was no different. He found that taking these jobs got him much closer to these people than he ordinarily would. He could spend his time walking around catching bits of conversation and lingering if he heard anything he felt could use later. So here he was, standing around in a uniform waiting for this damn thing to start so he could really get to work. Lev had not been paying much attention when the staff was getting briefed on what to expect for the night. He had done this before it was always the same. As long as he didn’t have an empty tray or station nobody would say much to him. His mind instead wandered to the thought of all the juicy information he could get. Of course he would have to have his sources fact check some if not all of it, but he was sure he could get enough tonight to cause a bit of chaos within the wealthy society. It wasn’t long before his attention focused back on the group of staff as they all prepped for the guests to enter. He was handed a tray of drinks, which he hadn’t been prepared for and had almost dropped them. After being scolded for being clumsy he gained his composure and was ushered into the gala area. The area was mostly empty but it very quickly filled up. The area went from relatively silent to a roar of conversation and muffled music faster than Lev would have liked. He was used to taking jobs like this for both money and info but he never got used to the amount of people who attended these things. They were so terribly boring. Regardless as the guests filed in he had gone through a few trays of drinks but still he hadn’t found any conversations worth listening to. It was frustrating but at least he was getting paid. Not to mention he had an excuse to not be home with his folks, he couldn’t stand the holiday season. It was the one time he saw his parents and if he was being honest he didn’t enjoy them constantly asking him why he was still single. Not to mention the topic of what he did for a living was a touchy one. It wasn’t long before an interesting character finally entered the Gala. Oberon Price, the man who had taken over Stark Industries. Now that would be a big fish to have under his thumb, or at least have some blackmail on. He expertly glided toward the male in question and stationed himself in his vicinity. He was still careful to not draw attention to himself. Trying to not make it obvious he was hovering. In the time since Oberon had entered Lev had trailed him across the entire gala, leaving only to go refill his tray and then return to where he had lost the man. Lev had almost lost him a few times in the crowd because of this. Luckily he was a decently easy man to pick out in a crowd. Not many people had the same frost white hair Oberon sported. Lev had managed to keep a decent tab on the man the whole time. It seemed he had finally stopped to talk to a woman. Maybe now Lev could get some good stuff. He hovered a little closer with his now full tray. Making a small circle around the pair. Even offering them both a drink off his tray just to give him a reason to be there. The night had been a bust so far so he was more desperate than he usually would be.