"Okay" says Kalaya, dropping back behind cover. "We really have two places to go; If Ven has really kidnapped a priestess, then most likely place for her is the dungeons. Castles all have their own layouts, so we'd have to hunt around for the location, but they tend to follow the same kind of principles. Best guess is beneath the inner curtain walls, closest to the keep." "The other would be her chambers - not sure where they'd be but I have a guess. The real question is do we split up to cover each place individually, or stay together, or something else?" She turns to Fengye, trying to get a feel for how the scribe is holding up. [I never got to spend that second question in the last scene, so may as well now - What are Fengye's feelings towards Knights, Princesses and Adventure?"] "Any thoughts? I admit my gut is to just try to start climbing. These old castles are usually more ruin than fortification - should have plenty of handholds and places to rest." In her voice, you can tell that the idea of climbing is not laced with an implicit desire to leave you behind. If anything, the knight is probably confident that she can scale the wall with you hanging from her back.