[h3]Aureia, of gold, commerce, wealth, [/h3][i]and the far less important, trivial aspects of travel and luck[/i] “Dealing with mortal paper is beneath me, but surely I can offer a twenty-percent discount~?” Aureia grinned, twirling her umbrella almost diabolically as she teased the goddess of the dead. “Awa?” She looked surprised when Moridax’s cold fingers clasped against hers. Even though it was the god of the underworld and Aureia was a goddess herself, it was still kind of weird to be pulled in close by a walking corpse. “Eh… I’d forgotten about the unique names you’ve given to your minions. But still, you know, the longer we don’t fix this world, the more and [i]more[/i] paperwork would end up piled up on your desk in the underworld regardless, for your ultimate return, hmm?” She gave her a pat on the head as consolation and briefly brought her up to speed. “…As for the girl… well, the others know more, I think. I haven’t spoken with her yet…” Really, Aureia should. She just felt weird about glomping the poor girl when everybody already was, even if it totally was her style to do it, too. After Aureia finished recounting their experience with the soldiers, however, it did occur to her that Klois really did sound kind of familiar. Was it a country or group that she had dealt with in the past? Very strange. Since nobody else mentioned it, she asked around. “Hum… Now that I think of it, doesn’t the name Klois sound familiar? Anybody?”