[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/x53CUK7.jpg[/img][/center] [color=1BEFF2]Time: 7 pm Location: River Port Interactions: Kaleb [@FunnyGuy] Mentions: Arn [@Omni5876], Rue[@Potter] Equipment: 1 hunting knife, a flask of alcohol, a backpack, small tent, blanket, waterskin, rope, fire starting kit, lightmaker, cooking pot, a bar of soap, some drugs; skaula (8 grams) and zemak (1 ounce), rolling papers, and 31 amas. [/color] [hr] [color=B3E3E4] [color=1BEFF2]“Yeah well looks can be deceiving…”[/color] Bowyn began a flippant reply to the elf that had spoken to him. [color=1BEFF2]That elf had just said [i]princess[/i] right? Couldn’t be the same princess Arn was supposedly after, could it?[/color] He studied the elf for a second, noting that he wore both smug confidence and garish purple outfit that certainly made a statement, and that statement was [i]I need attention[/i]. Bowyn instantly didn’t like him, though he couldn’t name an elf he did like, however, the man's words had piqued his interest. [color=1BEFF2]“Let me guess, Princess Annya right? You a friend of Arn or is there more than one guy on a bullshit quest to find an elven princess?”[/color] Bowyn rolled his eyes, the idea of it had been a lot more amusing twelve hours ago when he’d been drunk. The only thing worse than hanging around a dwarven royal was tossing an elven one into the mix. The flashy elf might be onto something though, a party might be just the place to find this princess. Which meant if Arn and Rue were out looking for Annya, he might find them with the princess as well. [color=1BEFF2]“A party, now that might be a good place to look. Where else would an elven royal be, just as a war was declared, than in a drunken port town at a party.”[/color] Bowyn shook his head and showed no qualms about voicing his dislike for highborn elves. The Shaky Dock was just up the road but The Sand Bar was a little more unscale and seemed a more likely choice. Plus it was near the inn, and he might run back into Arn and Rue there. [color=1BEFF2]“The Sand Bar might be the place, a bit nicer than The Shaky Dock, unless she likes tossing amas around, then there’s the Casino over that way.”[/color] Bowyn began pointing out likely spots to find a princess in town, thinking out loud. It’d be useful to keep the elf around, as Bowyn had no idea how he’d spot Annya unless the princess was daft enough to be prancing around in her crown. [color=1BEFF2]“So what’s your business with this princess, elf?”[/color] Bowyn asked, not bothering with introductions and continuing to walk ahead, expecting that if the elf was coming along he'd keep up. [/color]