[hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LpDeg8r.png[/img] [hr] [color=0080ff]Location:[/color] EARTH 257: Subway [color=0080ff]Skills:[/color] Kree tech, Biology, Jack of all Trades (Science) [/center] [hr][hr] Even though they had incapacitated most of the Iron, there were only four standing now. They had lost and Niah knew it. She had two options. Help Sparky or run. She made her choice. [color=0080ff]"I surrender. Let me stabilize my friend."[/color] She wanted to shout at the others to run. For Oli to grab anyone who could and bolt out of there. She couldn't leave Sparky and the others though. They needed her. She hated that she was going to have to probably reveal her leg, because she didn't there would be a subtle way to get it to stabilize Sparky without being obvious. Niah walked over to Sparky. No-one stopped her. She took off her leg and put it on Sparky, the only thing she could think to do was have the leg integrate with her. Like Stark and his tech, at least in her homeworld. She could tell watching it that Sparky seemed stable now, but there was no removing the Kree tech. Niah didn't have her left leg anymore again. [hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RGqiibs.png[/img] [hr] [color=004d00]Location:[/color] EARTH 257: Subway [color=004d00]Skills:[/color] [/center] [hr][hr] Matt really just wanted to punch stuff. Something was wrong with his Cass. She seemed really out of it suddenly. Bonnie was down. Raynor was down. Sparky was dying because of him under his very hands and there was nothing he could do. He had never felt so absolutely helpless as he did at that moment. Not to mention Hayward literally regrew her arm. Like she was Deadpool or something. [color=004d00]"I'm not leaving Cass."[/color] He said. He hadn't moved. He was still doing his best for Sparky, it just wasn't good enough. Matt got why Niah had so many issues suddenly. She had been in very similar situations a bunch. Niah took over though. His jaw dropped. He knew her leg had been a gift from Dr. Larson, but he hadn't expected it to be able to do this. He leaned back his hands soaked in blood and mouthed Thanks to Niah who nodded with a sad smile on her face. Like she expected this to be the gallows walk.