[h2]Marabella Wulf[/h2] Today was a beautiful day, and the first signs of fall were showing themselves. Bella stepped out her front door with some supplies in hand for camping and stopped on the porch. Closing her eyes, she took in a deep breath as the breeze caressed her face. Opening her eyes, she looked to her right and down at Killian, who had some supplies in his mouth. “This is a perfect day to go camping. Don’t you think, Killian?” she asked the wolf-dog. Killian’s tail wagged, and he gave a bark behind the supplies he was helping Bella carry. She smiled down at him before heading to her car and putting everything in the already opened trunk, then turned to Killian to take what he had and put it in the trunk also, but he ended up doing that himself. Jumping up and placing his front paws on the bumper, he dropped what he had into the trunk, then jumped down. “Thank you, my good boy.” she cooed as she reached over and scratched his head. “Let’s go get the rest and make sure we haven’t forgotten anything.” With a bark and a wag of his tail, Killian ran back to the front door with Bella behind him. She watched him disappear into the house with a smile on her face, only to see him reappear in the doorway a moment later, just before she could reach the first step of the porch. She stopped and laughed as she looked at him standing in the doorway with his tail wagging and his blue ball in his mouth. “We definitely can’t forget that.” she laughed. Making her way up the steps, she walked inside, scratching Killian's head as she slid by him. Once inside, she went to her bedroom and scanned it to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything she may need or wanted to take with her. Walking to the head of her bed, she grabbed the necklace that was hanging on the bedpost, then slid it over her head to rest around her neck. The necklace was a silver chain with an anchor of silver and gold, a silver and a gold feather, and a wolf made from Lapis. Bella then headed to the kitchen, grabbed her water bottle off the counter and Killian’s little travel bag. Heading back to the living room, she stopped to scan the room for anything that hadn’t made it to the car other than the cooler, her jacket, and Killian’s harness. Walking over to the cooler, she sat her water bottle and Killian’s travel bag on it, then grabbed his harness off a hook by the front door. As soon as he saw it, his tail wagged wildly, and he made his way over to her for her to put it on him. “That’s my good boy.” she said warmly as she knelt down. After getting his harness on, she stood, extended the handle on the cooler, grabbed her water bottle, her jacket off a hook by the front door, and headed back out to the car with Killian in tow. She opened the back door of her car, slid on her jacket, and put Killian’s travel bag in the back seat and her water bottle in the cupholder up front, then put the cooler in the truck before closing it. Walking back to the back door, she closed it and walked to the driver's door. “Looks like that’s everything.” she said as she opened the driver’s door. As soon as the door opened, Killian jumped in and made his way over to the passenger's side, and she laughed as she looked in. “Let me go lock up and we’ll be ready to go.” she told him. “I also hope you’ve done your business. It’s a long drive there.” Killian dropped his ball into the seat and gave a bark as Bella turned from the car and walked back to the house. Killian took this time to get out and do his thing before jumping back into the car and getting back into the passenger’s seat. After locking up the house and getting back to the car, she started it and started the long drive to the campsite. It felt like it had been forever since she had been out of town. It felt great to get the chance to get back out into nature. Once she arrived, she parked her car next to Eris’s car, killed the engine, and got out with Killian after attaching his leash to his harness. “Hey, Eris! Long time no see!” she greeted Eris warmly as she shoved her keys into her jacket pocket.