[img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/08/b2/0b/08b20ba27e50b10ece56bd4dba8523d3.gif[/img] Jesse Stokes was a ranch hand with lofty ideas of his goals in life. fell in with bad people young trying to make a name for himself and escape his father's lowly farming life. ended up doing nasty stuff as part of a criminal gang. fell in love as a young adult/late teen. love was fine but distracted him from gang heists and he eventually wanted out. gang wouldn't let him out. fucked up a heist? heist was on family of loved one? in any case the ultimatum became kill the loved one (to make up for the fuck up/send a message/stop him from wanting to leave the gang), or be killed himself (or turned over to sheriffs as a scapegoat?). He refuses. Takes what's left of his cut from gang activities - steals a bit extra - puts loved one on a train far away and then steals a horse and flees in the other direction. Is now looking to escape further and settle down with a new identity; lofty ambitions purged, and content that his love is at least safe, if not with him. [hider=spoilerinos][hider=for real tho][color=2c2c2c]test[/color][/hider][/hider]