[hider=My Second Character Submission] [color=FD1C03]Name: Rex Sabbath Nickname: The Forbidden One Title or Hero/Villain/Code name: N/A Species: Vampiric Demon Dragonknight Gender: Male Sexuality: Try-Sexual; He'll try anything once and keep doing it until he either loves it or hates it Age: Likes to tell people he's 666/ Appears 21 Birthday: Says it's somewhere around the first Samhain Personality: Seemingly sticking true to his demonic heritage, he enjoys nothing better than mindless violence and intoxication, and killing is an end in itself. He loves to fight, loses patience easily, is very arrogant and self-centered, focusing almost solely on his own pleasures. Rarely does he get along in a group, being extremely violent even to his allies; the unknown dragonknight ancestry's sense of worth, greed and egoistic selfishness further enhancing his already chaotic lineage, his comrades often the target of his physical and verbal violence. Although, he proudly lives up to the letter of his promises; an infallible man of his word, having a strict personal code of honor in that he will never violate the letter of an agreement, but always no more or no less than what he promised. Additionally, his word is the only thing he finds sacred, and will keep his promises, even to his detriment. He will never break a contract, even if it means his death; again sharing this honorable trait by nature with his dragonknight heritage. However, experience has taught him to choose his words carefully to allow for loopholes; often becoming tied to The Forbidden One's code of conduct on the battlefield, retaining the scruples and values that define his mother's race, including showing adversaries his own brand of courtesy and respect, even if they would be sworn enemies. Ultimately, he takes responsibility for his actions and the consequences that follow. Just as it was to the dragonknight who bore him, caution and discretion have always been key to his survival and living within the Nine Hells it was a must. And like her, fear was treated like a disease and cowardice was moral failing. Like all dragonknight, he is typically enthusiastic about life; particularly success, and broods about failure for only a short time before disappointment is shaped into a strong drive for improvement. And like the vast majority of his race, he has no qualms asking for what he needs or taking the time to improve himself. Unlike his dragonknight kin though, trust was never a major factor in his life and never expected anything more than the typical lies and deceit of the Nine Hells. His dedication to excellence and high standards has persuaded others to believe him to become quite brutal or vengeful over the span of his life and given to hasty choices that are morally compromising, even for a demon. Typically proud of his accomplishments, he is also more than willing to recognize with respect the accomplishments of others in turn, whether or not the being in question is an ally or enemy. Part of the roots of his honorable attitude lies within his drive for self-improvement. Failing at a task is anathema to him just as it is to all dragonknight and as a result can cause him to push himself to unhealthy extremes of effort. This aspect of the dragonknight mind means few of the race take a laid back approach to any skill or ability, striving ever to become the masters of a particular skill and respect those among other races that approach life in the same manner. Rex is no different, possessing the strong sense of independence and self-worth, but without the need to use it to better the lives around him like the dragonknight of yore. Ultimately, he holds himself accountable for his choice of allies and poor judgment is considered no excuse for failing to uphold the standards his father instilled in him at such a young age. Appearance: [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/897318389305999430/907369528365809744/bouncerkou2.png[/img] [Hair Color] Jet Black w/ Blood Red tips and highlights trailing through the length of it [Eye Color] Ruby Red [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/897318389305999430/907369528697180170/BouncerKou.png[/img] [Height] 5'8" [Weight] 666 lbs. with the added weight of the reborn entities true power - His attire is regularly all black, with the occasional spatter of blood from whomever his last victim was, and wears a dual shoulder holster created for the two firearms that he regularly uses. Affiliation: [Alistar Sabbath] - Adopted brother and one part of the dastardly duo known as The Gruesome Twosome Powers: [Blood Manipulation] - Can shape, move, control, interact and manipulate blood in all its forms. Able to exert control over the blood of himself and others, using it for various purposes, such as for rituals, examining, or most commonly combat. Can shape the blood into tendrils to strike enemies from afar or use it to trap opponents in a prison of blood, amongst the many other things that he's learned over his lifetime. Capable of inflicting more damage in a single strike than any other of his professions. This ability has come as a second nature to him and has no need for any sort of special preparation to unleash this devastating power. [Hellementalist] - Being the literal reincarnation of the creator of the Nine Hells, he possesses the ability to summon and manipulate the raw power of his home realm's elements and command them at will. Also, due to his natural dragonic affinity to the elements he is also exceptionally well versed in the manipulation of natural fire and darkness, using these abilities to a degree that no other elementalist has in his lifetime. [Shadow Step] - The greatest example of his mastery over the darkness is the ability to teleport himself, the clothes he is wearing, and within limits a certain amount of additional mass which is in contact with him through the shadows. He teleports by displacing himself into a Shadow Dimension, traveling through it, and then returning to his own dimension at a certain distance from his point of departure. He consciously determines his point of return. The entire process occurs so quickly that he is unaware of being in said dimension at all. Capable of guiding himself through the Shadow Dimension by a subconscious, natural direction-finding sense. His momentum is retained throughout the process of teleportation, arriving with whatever amount of inertia he left with. For example, if he were falling from a great height, he could not teleport himself towards the ground in order to save himself; he would land with the same velocity that he teleported with. He can subtract this inertia by teleporting short distances upwards (as though taking two steps back for every one forward). Can also use this power offensively by grappling with an enemy and teleporting them in a series of rapid jumps. The strain of these "multiple ports" can exhaust foes without superhuman endurance while he remains more than strong enough to continue fighting. When he transports a passenger over even moderate distances, they feel weakened and ill, to the point of exhaustion. Teleportation over further distances could even potentially be fatal to said passenger. [Enhanced Demonic Sense] - His senses of sight, smell, and hearing are all demonically acute; with the added benefit of his dragonic descent. He is able to detect objects with perfect clarity at greater distances, even in near total darkness. He is also able to see into the infra-red end of the electromagnetic spectrum, allowing him to see individuals in complete darkness by their body heat. His sense of smell is similarly enhanced, able to detect the scent of blood in the air from miles away and able to track targets by scent, even if the scent has been eroded somewhat over time by both natural or unnatural factors. His hearing is enhanced in a similar manner, allowing him to both hear sounds others cannot and also hear to greater distances. [Enhanced Demonic Strength] - Possesses demonically imbued strength with the added benefit of his dragonic ancestry (the extent of which depends on the amount of blood he has ingested and the type of blood). Capable of being able to lift up from cars to trucks, buses, and other objects of great size. Can jump incredible distances and land safely. Possesses the ability to run faster than any average individual of his size could possibly be. [Enhanced Demonic Durability] - His body-tissue, skin, muscles, bones, etc. are extremely dense/solid, allowing them to withstand harmful forces on the body such as crushing weights, impacts, pressures, changes in temperature, etc. Due to how highly durable both lines of his ancestors are, his body is capable of taking twice as much damage as either lineage, this also allows him to resist tearing muscles and breaking his bones. [Enhanced Demonic Stamina] - Is capable of sustaining himself without tiring to a demonically imbued level, his enhanced musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a non-hybrid member of either of his two races. [Accelerated Healing] - Due to his body being permanently shrouded in the powerful dragonic aura that all dragonknight posses and possessing the accelerated healing factor of a true vampiric demon, if he does somehow sustain an injury, his accelerated healing enables him to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue almost instantly, recovering from seemingly mortal wounds with little apparent pain. Injuries that would be deadly to most, take just a short time for him to recover from; time varies from a few seconds to several minutes, according to the severity of the wound. For instance, can regenerate out of a pool of his own blood within hours, recycling the cells instantly. [Mesmerism] - Like true vampires, has the ability to hypnotize others if they look directly into his eyes long enough. While under his control, he typically has full control over an individual. [Vampire Creation] - Like true vampires, he is able to transform individuals into pseudo-vampires by draining them of all their blood. He has control over the pseudo-vampires he creates, just as supernatural vampires have mental control over the vampires they create. Upon receiving lethal injuries, their bodies turn to dust. [Immunity To Most Vampiric Vulnerabilities] - As he isn't a supernatural vampire, he is immune to most of the special mystical vulnerabilities that they have. Will not incinerate if exposed to direct sunlight. Though he does tend to rest during the hours of the day, he does not have any of the consequences of vampirism that supernatural vampires face during the daylight hours. He also has no special vulnerability to objects or weapons composed of silver. [Virtual Immortality] - He claims that he doesn't age. [Bloody Regeneration] - The ability to recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs and limbs by using any available blood in his vicinity. [Bloody Augmentation] - The ability to augment his physical condition by consuming any blood in his vicinity. [Dragon's Rage] - Rex's unique genetic makeup causes his Dragon's Rage to work differently than your average Dragonknight. Instead of being pushed into this form as all Dragonknight are, due to how hot-headed and easily angered he is, he is capable of entering this form with little to no effort. In this form, he takes on certain physical attributes of the reincarnated brother's past self, but in a unique sense. A fiery dragonic skull with bone spikes jutting from it and intense flaming yellow orbs for eyes appear from above his form as he himself begins to levitate into the air. He seemingly becomes this form's torso as the skeletal limbs of his former self begin to appear, although floating freely from his actual body, followed by a pair of huge skeletal wings enveloped in the flames of hell. Fully transformed, he stands at ten feet and emits heat so intense that you'd have to be from the depths of hell itself or immune to the flame to withstand being scorched alive. This transformation comes with the added effect that all Dragon's Rage transformations come with, that being the insane increase in strength both physically and supernaturally. Weapons: [hider=The Tyrant's Scales][IMG]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/897318389305999430/907369664655532063/Q1jOi.jpg[/IMG][/hider] - A set of blades said to be forged from the scales of the creator of The Nine Hells, further backed by the ability to become a razor sharp chain whip: as shown below, capable of becoming a conduit for his hellemental prowess and cursing anyone; other than he, who dare try and wield them. Those foolish enough to do so become induced by self-mortification, imposing the wielder's every negative action, behavior, sensation, and sins to the pain of others that individual has ever committed in their lifetime. Its effects are similar to the soul searing effect of hellfire. [hider=The Tyrant's Scales{Chain Whip Form}][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/897318389305999430/907369664898805771/tyrantsscales.jpg[/img][/hider] - In this form the individual scale-like blades continually shift color; creating the appearance of flowing lava, and constantly loose smoke that always smells of brimstone. The individual blades are not joined together by anything, seemingly manipulated by telekinesis of some sort, but still move as the form is intended. The blades can be willed by him to do a variety of things, from becoming a maelstrom of whirling blades to individually being able to pierce and tear through a target's body. [hider=The Tyrant's Blessing][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/897318389305999430/907374419888971797/download.png[/img][/hider] - A pair of fully customized uzi that he keeps holstered beneath his vest, created for him specifically and imbued with the ability to fire off volleys of explosive rounds. These firearms are unique in their own way for they have no need for standard ammunition and run off the vast supernatural force that courses through his veins. [Fangs & Claws] - Like other vampiric demons, Rex possesses elongated canines that he uses to pierce the flesh of other beings for the purpose of consuming their blood. Rex can also, however, use his fangs as weapons in very close combat situations. He also possesses a single retractable claw at the tip of each finger. The claws are very sharp, capable of rending human flesh and bone with ease. Weaknesses: His blood manipulation's distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon the amount of blood and/or energy he's consumed throughout the day. He is limited to manipulating the blood of others only once their blood is spilt. To manipulate his own blood for external applications, he has to draw his own blood; putting him at risk of incapacitating himself from blood loss when he is forced to do so. Being present in a wet environment, as exposure to water will cause the membrane of red blood cells to tear, makes 45% of the blood he is using uncontrollable. His hellementalist ability is limited to only the elements he creates and within his vicinity, he cannot control elements cast by other users. The limits to the mass that he can carry with him while shadow stepping, and the limits to the distance over which he can teleport himself with an additional load are unknown. The illness and exhaustion from shadow stepping, unfortunately, is a shared repercussion; though he needn't worry about death from traveling large distances, he could still very much end up incapacitating himself mid-step. He is only capable of lifting so much weight with his inhuman strength, anything above what he can comfortably lift can be moved by sheer will, but can and will cause fatigue and only be held for so long before he collapses from exhaustion. His supernatural durability does not make him completely invulnerable, certain abilities that can bypass tough skin can be counteractive against this power, and can complicate receiving medical treatment. He can physically exert himself at peak capacity for several hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him. His accelerated healing can only heal if he has the time it takes to recover from the injuries he obtains; the more damage he takes in rapid succession can easily overwhelm the ability, ceasing it completely. The speed of regeneration also varies with how much blood he consumed before said injury. If an individual has sufficient willpower, they can resist or overcome his power of mesmerism, and if he's not careful could potentially lose control of his target by suggesting something too far past his victim's ethical code. Although the vampires he creates possess superhuman strength, they do not possess accelerated healing factors. If confronted with religious icons like crucifixes they give him an extreme sense of vertigo and nausea; causing him to lose focus on his ability to manipulate blood altogether. Just as true vampires and dragonknight alike, a lethal blow to his heart could potentially end him permanently with zero chance of revival. Upon exiting, the state of Dragon's Rage will cause him to collapse into a comatose-like state. He will remain in this state from anywhere to a few days to a few weeks depending on how long he remains in Dragon's Rage. At times his ego can become his own worst enemy, exceeding his actual skill set which typically results in a complex of showing off. If kept unchecked, can be overpowered by opponents whose abilities far exceed his own. Likes: A good challenge, worthy prey, sex, drugs, money and murder Dislikes: Oath breakers, liars, cowards, and goody two shoes Current Residence: The bowels of Alistar's New York City penthouse building; within the underground nightclub he has built there. Backstory: Son of the infamous vampire demon lord, Edge Sabbath; sworn enemy to The Lost Society, and the legendary dragonknight general, Mishka Vanderbilt; proud defender of her people. The product of true forbidden love. Raised in secrecy, for the simple fact that a half breed dragonknight would never be allowed by her emperor to live, and for fear of him being used against her lover. Sadly, though their love was real, a demon will always lust for more power; after all they all wanted to become the true ruler of hell. Edge had already known she was pregnant. Once he got wind of her supposed death, he knew. It was then he hatched a plan, venturing to the final hell and awakening the ancient evil who dwelled there; Tyrant, creator of The Nine Hells. It was there an exchange was made and on that day, he traded the soul of his unborn child. For power. Now nobody could stop him. Now nobody could threaten the lives of the ones he loved! He would rule all Nine! Or so he thought. The deal was for power, but little did he know, the devil is in the details. The ancient being played him. For the one who exchanged their soul would obtain his great power and status. On the day Rex was born, a king confronted a titan, and at his first breath, that titan died. The laughter that lingered throughout the Ninth would haunt the demon lord until that fateful day. The invasion of his realm. His kingdom. They murdered his wife. Spared he and his kingdom for their servitude. For the sake of the only remaining thing that he loved, he did what any cowardly demon would do. He took the deal. For love. For Mishka. Who ever said demons don't have a heart? Fast forward to present day: Rex Sabbath has become everything his father could ever dream. It's just too bad he ain't around anymore. Stupid fucking demons and their blood wars… Always trying to jack each other's shit. Anyways, under certain circumstances he's the best damn bounty hunter you could ever hope to spend money on; both on the mortal plane and The Nine Hells. Not the most subtle killer money could buy, but he gets the job done and then some. So naturally, overtime, he thought to himself, [i]What's a guy to do with all this wealth? How would one of these pathetic sacks of shit spend their time and money here on the mortal plane?[/i] Then it hit him. A Nightclub. So now he runs the seediest, most reputable underground; literally, nightclubs known simply as The Bloodbath. A proverbial hot spot and safe haven for all miscreants and creatures of the night. It was only up until recently that one of The Nine needed his particular set of skills. A little overkill he'd say, personally, but who was he kidding. What kinda demon is gonna pass up a night of mischief? Special Skills: Omnilinguistic, trained in the ways of Bushido; despite his choice of weaponry, and a proficient hand to hand combatant Other: He is also known by many others to be an energy vampire, capable of siphoning the energy of others by boring them, annoying them, or making them feel awkward. Occasionally using humor at times to invoke positive emotions to feed from. Emotions of intense anger and awkwardness give an excess boost. Victims become physically tired and weakened when drained, and in extreme cases, they can faint, fall into comas or even expire. The vast majority of people will be drained if an energy vampire feeds on them, but excessively optimistic people can be immune. Just as the ingesting of blood, the more energy he feeds on, the more supernaturally strong he becomes. Though due to his obsession with blood, he rarely does so.[/color] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/905674430863261738/907368688448053338/990167C2-7371-4C65-A75E-904F8DED017C.png[/img][/hider] [center][color=FD1C03]Theme Song[/color] [youtube]https://youtu.be/s_akUdi3Tng[/youtube][/center]