[quote=@BCTheEntity] [hider=Daero'moroke] [b]Name:[/b] "Daero'moroke", each syllable pronounced independently. Technically, this is to his true name what a mortal's nickname is to their full name plus a great many titles and honorifics, but the entire thing becomes a mouthful for most mortals to pronounce beyond that point - intentional grafting of that conceptual aspect of his soul has made it so, to wit. Besides, he's not keen to just give out the full thing on the regular, so he has a few epithets beside that to work with: many common languages give him the titles Lord of Bulls or Master of Sacrifice; he is The Watching Death in the Orcish tongue; The Evil Eye in High Elven; The Burning Eye in Low Elven; and in High Alytian, to those few priests and paladins who know and understand his methods, he is simply The Observer. [b]Age:[/b] Roughly 4350. It's been longer than that, but at some point you just start counting in decades for sake of ease. [b]Race:[/b] Demon [hider=The Many Forms of the Demoniac] [hider=Guise of Nobility] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a9/c2/2c/a9c22c8b35a6cd464f6fdd2ed434d408.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Guise of Ecclesiarchy] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/550x/56/fe/df/56fedfab3ef557f7e7ace389c04451f9.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider="Angel" Form] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/06/3a/5d/063a5d8553d2e465786a5df68c51ca18.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider="Fairy" Familiars] [img]https://www.kindpng.com/picc/m/283-2831415_mm3d-tael-tael-majoras-mask-hd-png-download.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=The Demon Unleashed] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ToxGIAP.png[/img] [img]https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-PHA7qnOnzPUEyEh9-dJx2CQ-t500x500.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [b]Background:[/b] The full life story of a demon as old as Baero'moroke is much too lengthy to explain to one with such important business as Lord Ahriman. Suffice to say, however, describing his character will help to explain most of it. You see, many of those working to break the so-called Heroes of the Goddess have personal reasons for it. They have been personally wronged by the Church of Clionism and its minions, or they've found direct issue with the Heroes and their unfair advantages in the world compared to the native inhabitants, or they are simply brainwashed into their role as opposition. Some might even consider this among demons: even the mighty are not immune to emotion, and some fall foul of fear or fury so fervently. Daero'moroke is different. He is, simply put as possible, a narcissistic dick with a bad case of anti-social personality disorder, and a distinctly deadened sense of empathy as a result. He can appreciate individual beings, but moreso based on what they give him than what he feels for them. A useless tool is of no value to him - and to be frank, most mortals are only useful to him as toys to manipulate into doing things against their better interests. He gets joy out of this, you see, finding it amusing to twist mortal wants until they ruin everything they have for themselves, and especially finds screwing with those silly little Heroes a fascinating exercise in figuring out what makes them tick, then pulling at the gears until they break apart - even if those gears prove infuriatingly resilient more often than not. Rarely directly, though. His true form is monstrous, but he has a variety of alternate guises to work with in place of that: human forms, of noble and Clionistic approach amongst others, and a form that one might very well mistake for angelic if one were foolish... as many Heroes are. Much more often, he will send minions or spells out to gather information about the world, then send it back to him to build up his knowledge ever further, and track down people who might be of interest to him. The main things that have been holding him back to date are but twofold - middling demonic power, and a distinct lack of ambition. He already enjoys what he does, after all; why change that? Well, when the Demon King demands your presence, and asks that you help make a concerted effort to wipe out the Heroes and the Goddess' influence in the world as a whole... there is rarely much one can do to protest. Even if it means working with... admittedly-unusual mortal allies. [br] [b]Skills and Abilities:[/b] [i]Physical[/i] - If Lord Ahriman were interested in raw power, he'd stop at Medai and sic her on the continent. As it is, Daero'moroke is of noteworthy strength, speed, and durability even when not tapping into his full power, and can outmatch even most Heroes at his utmost - but then, it's not "most" Heroes that prove a problem, but the single Hero who gets strong enough to slay the Demon King. At that point, and consequently with a great many demons, he cannot simply beat them senseless. [i]Magical[/i] - Likewise, for raw magical output, Ophidias Seht would do just fine. Daero'moroke is, in fact, quite the magus in and of himself, with quite a range of reasonable offensive and defensive magicks to hand - but, more pertinently, a great many magicks to support his primary capabilities, including ideas along the lines of scrying, charms, hexes, conceptual interference, seals both consensual and non-consensual, and two very pertinent spells: the power to split off tiny slivers of his own soul, ensconsing them either within a subordinate or as their own fairy-like entities to acquire information and relay it directly back to him; and a sort of internal library of memories, exceptionally valuable for organising inputs on the scale of thousands, even tens of thousands of hours of time each day, enough to drive a mortal mind mad. Naturally, he outranks the majority of mortal mages, and in theory could scale up nigh-indefinitely, but the minute losses from splintering one's soul (even if it heals gradually) and relatively discrete use of this power take their toll on his final output. [i]Mental[/i] - No. What sets Daero'moroke apart from the rabble is his intensely manipulative, and moreover exceptionally organised mindset. He is smart, that is clear, but it is bent toward using others to get what he wants, and ensuring he has every single piece on the table just in case he needs some for later. It is rare that there is something of importance happening in the land which he doesn't know about, and even rarer for others to know when he is actively meddling with it. Indeed, he prefers to gather as many pieces of a puzzle as possible before striking at its heart, if he has to be physically involved at all; and in the rare cases where he deigns to brute force an event, he prefers to be precise, delicate, a scalpel rather than a hammer, attacking suddenly and using just enough power to win the fight so as to avoid drawing attention to himself. [b]Quips:[/b] He defies the concept of the Bishonen Line when it comes to transformations. He is also more than aware of many of his "companions'" own flaws and desires. [/hider] [/quote] Sweet, lookin' good to me.