[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5r7OTIh.png[/img] [b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 1,519 (+3) (+51) [b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 7[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]//////////[/color]/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (7/70) [b][color=Aquamarine]Location:[/color][/b] Sandswept Sky - Al Mamoon Northeast - Rocket Inc. [/center] [hider=Midna Level Up] Thunder Blade (Urbosa): Midna can store up to four ‘bars’ of electrical energy in a metal weapon, and then use it to unleash short ranged electrical attacks when swinging that blade. Abilities include shooting a tight beam of lightning, firing out a short ranged but wide thunderbolt, having 3 bolts hammer a small area around a blow, create a vortex of 3 swirling lightning steams, launch an electrical sword beam and so on. (basically everything from the combos section of [url=https://youtu.be/3_3Ltwhor28?t=204]this[/url] video except the last massive 2 combo’s massive aoe lightning. Using lightning uses charge, which can be regained by charging, which involves holding the weapon close to her body to fill it with lightning once more. Charging generally refills one ‘bar’ per second, but starting to charge right after an attack can steal back some of the used power and charge one bar instantaneously. Simply hammering on foes with the sword will also build static electricity, but this takes a fair bit longer than stepping back and charging it would. Midna’s lightning is a limey twilight green, and she and her mounts are naturally resistant to it, or at least enough to prevent themselves from being fried by being so close to the blast zone, but not enough to protect them if they are literally in said blast zone. [/hider] After being thoroughly bathed, wined and dined at the spa Midna got re-dressed in her now wonderfully clean getup, sans the boots and chest plate she had acquired from the ill gotten gains stored in rocket HQ. Those went back in the malicious pile of things that would be being returned to them tomorrow, likely cleaner than she had gotten them. Which was, when it came down to it, not a nice thought. It was almost preferable to be wearing her not cleaned pair of slippers to someone else's boots really. Not that they touched the ground often, nor did they do so now as she drifted out of the little yard that contained the local Spa warp and thought over what she was going to do with the rest of the eve. It was a question that answered itself, said answer being born by the rapid fire paw pad falls of a wolfos, who came bounding down the side road a few moments after they returned, and almost collided with the group of spa goers in its eagerness to be reunited with the princess. [color=Aquamarine]”Gah, what the fuck”[/color] Midna cried out in alarm as it near bowled her over in its enthusiasm, but fortunately the wolf had the good graces to skid to a halt before her and then give her a bark followed by doing a quick 360 circle before finally sitting down before her, wagging its tail all the while [color=Aquamarine]”Wait. Right. Scout wolfos. Your back!”[/color] Midna said, watching herself up on what was going on and then demanding to know [color=Aquamarine]”If you’re back then you should have found the others? But why are you alone? Where are they?”[/color] Her response was another bark, followed by the wolfos getting up and pointing back the way it came with its snout, before looking back at her expectantly. She didn't need to question why it was doing that at least. Even if it had only been half a day really, it was a little nostalgic to be getting back in the proverbial saddle (maybe she should get them some of those to improve her riding experience), Minda thought as she floated down, landed on her mount’s back and then sped off through the city, dodging through the evening traffic and over rooftops below the rising moon. Soon enough they found their way to a hotel and there she found the quadrant of lost souls all safe and sound, having been found by the bugs and wolfos, and then found again by, of all people, one of the ones who had been frozen in amber back at the candy town. She’d also slaughtered all of the queen’s ant minions. Midna... Didn't really know what to say or do about that, other than be relieved that Peacock hasn't killed anyone or anything else. She seemed a touch unhinged, and that was if you were being generous. The only thing keeping her from trying to deal with that personally was that she was apparently a friend of Band, so she’d let the big man handle handling her unstableness. She had a busy day full of commitments ahead of her tomorrow, and so after a bit of talk with the absentees where she caught them up on what had gone on in town and they on their desert trip, she headed to get some well deserved rest. Said rest was rudely interrupted by the arrival of a large purple [url=https://i.imgur.com/tjo4VAW.png]airship[/url] that flew in and hovered above the city at about 1 am in the morning, its low flying thruster’s roaring and its looming presence causing quite the panic. When Midna stuck her head out the window to figure out what the heck was going on she was greeted by the sound of Crow making an announcement from loudspeakers attached to the airship. He was the other person who they, or specifically she, had freed from the hammer that hadn’t either belonged there, died or joined their quest. He instead had attempted to get in touch with someone from home and, well, based on the announcement he had to make “Suck it Princess! I told you it would work ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!” It looked like it had worked. She gave him a giant glowing middle finger in response, which just got her more laughter when it was spotted by the ship’s master, before it’s thrusters flared and the ship took off into the night, taking the villainous gigglefest away with it. [color=Aquamarine]”Asshat”[/color] Midna grumbled before she slammed the window shut and went back to bed. That was past-Midna’s fault and future-Midna’s problem, right now present-Midna needed her beauty sleep. After a slightly less than optimal night’s sleep Midna rose, quickly breakfasted and then headed out to handle her two pre-train ride commitments. One was the formal end of the resistance, which managed to go down quite well, with a few teary reunions between some of the (non-criminal) mind control victims and their friends and family, as well as the demonstration of how they bad been mind controlled in the first place going down without a hitch, much to Midna’s relief. Hopefully they’d be out of town before people realized/thought about the fact that said mind control power was still out there and in the hands of a certain less than trustworthy bee queen no less. Then again, maybe that was just her worrying about the potential consequences of that. For her part, Midna helped set up a returning of stolen goods by summoning the entire collection if items from her realm onto a per-designated spot, which gave her a chance to chat casually with a few of the former resistance (and hooking the freed ones up to the Moogle communication network) who were helping out as an extra sign of good faith, as well as the townsfolk to whom she was returning items too. Among them was Agitha as she had expected, the bug collector being delighted to be reunited with part of her collection, and then also briefly delightful and then scornful when Midna tried to show off her Vibrava to the girl. It turned out that there was not a buggy bone in its body, or rather, it had bones in its body, which was one among a number of things that made it not a bug. The princess learned a fair bit about insect anatomy while helping sort out the rest of the stolen goods as a result. There were worse ways to spend a day, and it was nice to know at least one person from home was doing alright in this mixed up reality. Impa turned out to not be among those present however, despite what she had thought was her armor piece being part of the stolen goods. The item turned out to belong to some no name mercenary, and any possibility of forming a connection with the merc’s group was spoiled by Midna’s brief arguing about it not being their property. Midna, content with her work and having gained a bit of goodwill and a few connections in town as a result of it, hit the bricks after the initial rush had died down, and it was only the unmissed or contentiously owned items left over and headed for her other appointment. Following some directions and the softly growing glow on her friendship bracelet, the princess found her way to the forge Yoshitsune had commissioned to have his blades repaired at and, based on her promise from the night before to give him the sparring session he’d missed out on with the Spa’s burly guards, gave him an ample opportunity to test out the smith’s handiwork. Despite some flashy electrical tricks pulled out of her steadily increasing taping of Urbosa’s skills power, there was no way in hell she was going to win going toe to two with a master swordsman like him on her first real try with a sword. Still, she did better than she had any right to do, predominantly again thanks to Urbosa who’s spirit was encouraging her to go down this path in the first place. The princess took the loss mostly graciously, with only a token comment with 0 bite behind it on how she was holding back her true power in-order to get better with the sword, and was more than happy to take his tips and a touch of more training oriented bouts before it was well past time to head for the train station. They arrived together a little while later, ready to ride into danger and face down their first encounter with one of Galeem’s guardians.