"Heh. Not bad." Han folds her arms behind her head, casually strolling through the jungle undergrowth without breaking a sweat. Heaviest thing she’d ever lifted? Bigger than an ox, fully loaded? Yeah, hard to say, maybe Han couldn't beat that. Then again... She grins, all teeth and boastful delight. "Ten of the Dominion’s finest. In full gear. And most of ‘em were still conscious" ...the Vermillion Beast sure could. Amidst the chorus of whoops and hollers and no-way-you-didn'ts, her eyes flicked over the assembled group. Lit up by torches, tearing through the jungle, she stood on a tidal wave that’d been building ever since she arrived at Turtlehead, and now it was strong enough to topple an entire castle. That stupid Ven wouldn’t even know what hit her. So why is everyone being so quiet? Why do people keep looking around all nervous like they're afraid of the dark or something? What is [i]with[/i] all of you? This wasn't right, and Han was going to fix it. She rolls her shoulders. Cracks her neck. And waves for the retinue to hang back. “One sec…” [b]Piripiri![/b] Good news! You don't have to walk anymore! Someone catches you by the legs and hoists you up, and here it comes again, the slinging across a back, dogged by laughter as you squirm helplessly for all to see. Steel yourself. Play your role. Run through your litany of squeaks appropriate for an inexperienced maid. You are prepared for this ambush. You will endure the humiliation. They will not break you. Here it comes. Any second now. Anyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy second now. ...gosh, this sure is the slowest you've ever been slung over someone’s back. Maybe Azazuka knows what's going on, some kind of Flower Kingdom - wait, [i]Azazuka?![/i] Sure enough, there she sits on Han's other shoulder - wait, [i]other[/i] shoulder?! Sure enough, you're not kidnapped at all. You're seated comfortably on Han's bare shoulder, her bare, muscular arm curled snug around your side, her bare hand resting on your stomach. Seated above the group, vines and branches lurch out of the darkness at you, but never so much as brush your hair. Han will not let them. She squats low under hazards without losing a step, without jostling either of you. No horse or elephant ever gave you so smooth a ride. No harness ever held you so surely or so...gently. (Despite her perilous proximity to indecency, the hand stays still. Almost as if the thought of opportune wandering never even crossed her mind. But that'd be ridiculous. An unruly thug like her? So then why...?) Here come the shouts from the rowdy bunch behind you, but they’re not aimed at you. They tell Han to go for it, keep up the pace, wagers of meals and drinks on how long she can carry the load. Han devours the encouragement whole and turns it into raw energy, whooping with the best of them and shouting back, "I can keep this up all night!" She meets your eyes as she says it, and you know it's as good as a promise. As long as necessary, she will carry you. Hold you. Lift you high and safe above the muck of the jungle, a treasure on par with Azazuka herself. And when has anyone ever done so much for the fourth child, let alone a common, helpless maid? Without having a thing in it for them? [Han rolls to Entice Piri: 6 + 5 - 1 = [b]10.[/b] Han takes a string, Piri chooses one from the list.]