[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4DgO1VH.png[/img] [color=FFC6C6]Word Count: 471 (+1 exp)(+60 collabx4, raid rewards) [u]Level[/u]: [b]6[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 43/60 [b]Location[/b]: Sandswept Sky - Al Mamoon[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color] [color=2E2C2C]D34C25[/color] [hider=Primrose Level Up!]A new power: [b]Dancer Support Skills.[/b] Skills befitting a seasoned dancer, including [i]Eye for an Eye[/i], gain a chance of counterattacking with a dagger after being targeted by a physical attack; [i]Second Wind[/i], recovering a certain amount of SP over time; and [i]Encore[/i], once per battle, upon being incapacitated, recover with 25% of maximum HP.[/hider][/center] [color=D34C25]"Well well, some familiar faces."[/color] Primrose arrived soon after the large group that had attended the press conference. She'd visited the event herself, a little fashionably late after eating a nice breakfast at the inn she'd chosen to stay. Unsurprisingly, a city as large as Al Mamoon had multiple options for lodging. After returning from the spa in the sky, Primrose, Midna, Sectonia and Yoshitsune had all one their separate ways - and as far as she knew, not a one of them ended up staying the night in the same place. Primrose had used the night for ruminating more on the conversations from the spa, and then walking about the city to clear her head before finally choosing an inn and tucking in for a long night's rest (which happened to be interrupted briefly by some fly-by). Now, the day after, Primrose was refreshed and ready to roll. That spa had really done wonders. Her skin was positively glowing, her hair soft and clean, and the staff of angelic toads had even dry cleaned her dancer's garb - a fact very apparent as she chose to show it off this morning, rather than cover it in the cloak she had been wearing. Once they disembarked the train and made their way up the mountain she would re-don it, but for now she was comfortable, even a touch more friendly than she had been the day prior. As she approached the gathering of heroes, a hand on one hip and a small smile on her face, Primrose looked a little angelic herself. Primrose greeted everyone with a brief wave of her hand, though a couple of those gathered were offered a wider smile than others. She was pleasantly surprised to see the group of allies that had been flung from the train they'd taken into the city. Things were going quite well for the Seekers all things considered. [color=D34C25]"It's good to see you all safe,"[/color] she told them. Speaking of trains, their ride out of town was impossible to miss. It was just as large and imposing as it had been yesterday, but now it was polished and apparently operational as well. It was a completely different beast than the cutesy, food-themed train they'd ridden on before, but she assumed it was more of less the same: a machine vehicle that moved on a rail. Only this one had weapons on it too. It was hard to imagine anything or anyone tangling with the hulking metal train, so after a ride in it all that would stand between them and the region's Guardian was... well, a literal mountain, but hopefully they could handle that. As she'd attested last night, the dancer was ready for a change of pace even if it was from sprawling desert to frigid mountain.