[b][u] Americana Columbia In proximity of the Gateway CSS Alamo [/u][/b] The blaring cries of red alerts sounded off throughout the Alamo, the crews completely caught offguard, almost been years since the last red alert. The recently promoted Admiral Jasi threw himself off his command chair. "What the hell's going on?!?" He asked, still shaken. "Admiral, we've just received orders for emergency deployment!" The comms officer exclaimed. "Apparently the Sol System has just been invaded." The comms officer said as he pressed down a few buttons, the Xandalian Declaration being broadcasted in the bridge. The Embassy was quick to forward the message back home, which drove the Chancellor and Senate into a panic, although the exact details of the invading force remain blank. Jasi groaned from the sudden fall, rubbing his scalp. "Invaded? By who?" "Unclear sir, they're new arrivals." Jasi lifted himself up back on his chair. "Pretty bold of them, and not even a word of hello. Alert the fleet, tell them we're to begin deployment now." The ships of the 3rd Border Defense Fleet all begun to move away from Sentinel Base as they drew closer to the Gateway, around fifteen ships, eight frigates, four destroyers and two cruisers, the last and not least, the center piece of the fleet was of course the the Battle Carrier Alamo. All ships of the 3rd were converging and surrounding the Alamo as they entered through the gateway. "All ships! Jump on my mark!" 3...2....1... "Mark!" Within an instant, the entire fleet vanished from the face of the galaxy, only to reappear once more, the Meeting Place within visual range. "Jump successful, Admiral." Admiral Jasi let out a loud whistle as he saw the Meeting Place. "It's been months since I was last here, it was just empty space, and look at that. Brings a tear to my eye." "Orders, Admiral?" XO May asked. "Right. Set a course for Pluto, and contact the Xandies, let them know they have our support. Let's show the Galaxy the might of the Columbian Navy!"