Idea: In one older RP I did at different board, I opened up 'chapters' of it, each with a different subplot the individual players could run, and I kept tabs on yhe overarching plot and modified it according to what happened in the player run chapters. It worked well because for example when christmas rolled around, we plugged in a filler chapter that was impervious to someone not being able to post suddenly, and got back to serious story once everyone was somewhat available. The ability for a player to run their own subplot alao gave them greater ability to develop their character in a unique way if they so desired (for example If our rangers lose their powers, I am not too keen on the extraplanetary agventure and would rather Helia found the pai zhua school and got new powers through it. It is a thousandfold more fitting for her). Last but not least, it gave me as a GM some downtime to breathe when another player took over for a bit. Does that sound like something you lit would be interested in?