A quiet exhale escaped Lumina's lips as she listened to Gotsumon talk. She paid careful attention to what he had to say and closely studied the expression on his rocky face. He seemed genuine and was clearly experienced in dealing with humans. Still, the fact that he was implying that they all agreed to come here and simply didn't remember doing so bugged her. If not for the fact that she remembered having a strange dream his explanation wouldn't sound so plausible and she would think that he was trying to gaslight them. The light from her eyes dimmed slightly as they drifted to the side. Lumina took a minute to think about it. The details of that dream were coming back to her. The sound of the ocean that she heard in that dream made a lot more sense now, but almost nothing else did. In her dream she was in a tunnel and then a cavern. Basically, it did not look like this island at all. In that cavern she talked to a tall robed figure, someone she at first thought might have been Gotsumon. Although his voice kind of sounded like that person's he was way too short to fit the bill. Then there was the matter of those orbs. She had wanted one of those orbs for herself, but she didn't know which one to pick. The robed figure offered to help her with that. Admittedly she remembered that she was going to take that person's offer of assistance but she never got to officially accept or decline before she woke up. Did her heart really answer for her? Her heart, the heart that she couldn't get a confident answer out of for anything years prior? [i]'Those orbs... are they the "self-discovery" and fulfillment that he's talking about? A way to fill the hole in my heart? Ridiculous. It's not that simple.' [/i] She sighed as she sat back up and cleared her mind of it's inner conflict. Her attention perked up slightly when she heard that small yellow and green digimon mention meeting the girl standing near him in a dream. She was pretty sure she didn't meet Ghostmon in her dream. Lumina looked over at Ghostmon only to find the blue whispy digimon looking down at her folded hands. She looked sad and worried. Lumina's expression softened as she realized that Ghostmon must be thinking about the dark ocean. It made sense. That description of the dark ocean was mysterious and chilling. She wouldn't wish that kind of a fate on anyone. "Ah shoot..." She mumbled under her breath. "I need to know that too." Lumina looked over at Akeno before quickly looking back at Gotsumon. "How are we supposed to contain an ocean or fog or whatever?"