"Good morning, Leuca. Sorcha. A pleasant morning, isn't it?" She greeted them. "A busy day requires a early enough morning." She replied to Sorcha's question about starting. "And no. Octavia is not here today." At Sorcha's behest, she took a seat next to Leuca and listened intently to their lecture on the Leargas. Combined experience of all elves? Asking ancestor spirits to guide and help? Augusta was starting to wonder if she could even dip her fingers into this power, considering her ancestors were from an entirely different world. Hell, this wasn't even her own body. And the attempt to use it could result in death? Well. Perhaps it was because of her certainty in herself, but Augusta didn't seem to have any qualms with the point. "I won't say the idea of death doesn't frighten me but I were to let this stop me here, I might as well not even think about doing more." Augusta stated, looking into Sorcha's eyes with fairly confident eyes.