Hope this is alright! [hider=Kiddo] [center][h1][color=9e0b0f][b]Ellie[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/thelastofusgame/images/e/ef/Ellie.png[/img][/center] [hr] Game Origin: The Last of Us Personality: Ellie is known for her extremely loud mouth as well as her abrasiveness. Growing up in a post apocalyptic world will make anyone super bitter - and this girl is no exception. She doesn't take shit from anyone and considers herself to be particularly independent. She hates it when people talk down to her or treat her like she's a kid - because she knows that she's so much more than just that. She's not afraid to put anyone in their place if they go after her or her especially those she cares about. Ellie is a firm believer in the "eye for an eye" philosophy. The whole world can go blind if they so want, as long as it means they got their just desserts. But despite all of that, Ellie fears one thing above all else: being alone. She doesn't want to lose those who are closest to her. She may be tough as nails when she's alone, but Ellie craves off of human interaction. She thrives off of it. If she gets attached to someone, then she'd damn well better not lose them. And if someone takes them from her? Well, then she'll sure as shit be out for blood. Background: Ellie grew up in a world overrun by a fungus known as the Cordyceps. They turned her into world into a zombie-infested wasteland years before she was even born. From a young age, she was forced into military training by the adults around her, much like every other kid was. This led to her learning how to both shoot a gun and hold her own in a fight. It's also here that she picked up her survival skills. After an encounter with the Infected at a mall, however, both Ellie and her friend Riley were bit. They planned to die together that day, but in a cruel twist of fate, it turned out that Ellie had been immune... and Riley hadn't. Not long after being forced to kill her own best friend, Ellie was taken under the care of the Fireflies - a group of freedom fighters hoping to restore the world to what it once was. But due to unforeseen circumstances, Ellie was instead put under the care of smuggler Joel Miller. Joel was tasked with bringing her to a Fireflies base elsewhere in hopes that their surgeons would develop a vaccine using whatever made her immune. It was during this little adventure that Ellie and Joel formed a very father/daughter like bond. By the end of it all, they were practically inseparable. But they'd gotten to their goal and reached the Fireflies. That is - until Galeem attacked at the exact moment both her and Joel arrived. No one was able to stop his all-encompassing light, and it was then that Ellie had been forced to turn into a spirit. Once again, Ellie was alone. That is, until she'd been brought back... Specialty: Ellie's main area expertise would be long-ranged weapons. Specifically, she's proficient with a rifle, handgun, and an arrow. But she can try other weapons as well - though hand her something like a flamethrower compared to a basic bow and arrow, and she'll have a bit of trouble even getting the damn thing to work. It's very much a case by case basis. Level: 1 Experience: 0/10 Powers: [b]Advanced Hearing[/b] - When Ellie focuses hard enough, she is able to hear people around her that she can't see. She can't hear very far though - as her limit in quiet areas would be around two rooms over, while in more noisy ones it'd only be one room. Strengths: - Long-Range Weapon Proficiency - Squeeze into smaller areas - Somewhat advanced knowledge in hand-to-hand combat (military grade) Weaknesses: Aside from her obvious thoughts of being a meat bag of flesh that's vulnerable to bullets, knives, and just about anything else a human can sustain - Ellie's biggest fear is without a doubt her anger. Her temper is about as short as her height is in actuality. This leads her into getting in trouble with the wrong people - as well as generally just biting off more than she can chew. Spirits: N/A Guest List: - Joel Miller (The Last of Us) - Viridi (Kid Icarus: Uprising) - Byleth (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) Inventory: - Handgun: This standard handgun will be kept by Ellie at all times. It's an ordinary pistol with seven rounds. Ellie will start off with fourteen rounds, and hopefully she'll find more as her story progresses. - Flashlight: A flashlight used for seeing in dark areas. Nothing much more to say than that. - Combat knife: Ellie uses this to take out her enemies more stealthily. It's a small knife that ideally will only be used in sections where Ellie needs to be quiet. Or to like.... cut things such as rope, I guess. - Bow and Arrow: Ellie will also be equipped with a bow and arrow. She'll have four arrows to start out with. Like the rounds in her pistol, she will ideally find more arrows as her story progresses. - Backpack: To carry all this stuff, Ellie has her backpack on her at all times. It's small and almost never taken off when she's not resting. There's about three pockets left of empty space when accounting for the above. [/hider]