[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/TiVTH1U.jpg[/img] [color=gold]Time:[/color] Dusk [color=gold]Location:[/color] River Port [color=gold]Interactions:[/color] Kharne [@Kazemitsu] [color=gold]Armor:[/color] None [Color=gold]Weapon(s):[/color] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/597967434732929024/908465528568422420/074fbb8e4e66664c870eb3b1d3f049ed.png]Steel Longsword[/url][/center] [color=gold]Inventory:[/color] [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/597967434732929024/864247090107908136/1879ac03cb92713cb9e4e17dcc2268d4.png]A rogue-ish set of clothing[/url], his dog tags, and a set of [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/31/ac/9d/31ac9df882a7577c5c14acbde89f35e1.jpg]faux demihuman Wolf ears[/url], a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/4d/f4/f9/4df4f95b9fef4d52de3dd97f062d457b.jpg]Ring of Disguise[/url], two rations of food, water flask, a bar of soap and a few other portable hygienic products. [hr] Ismael watched Kharne speak into his wrist and was slightly astonished that communications were so easy in one regard but also feels so outdated in others. Maybe it was to make the lives of some people easier while keeping others down. But who truly knows? Yet once Kharne hung up he switched back to Ismael and still wished to continue the conversation on spinning. Ismael watch Kharne move, his swings were fast, and his blade work was actually quite solid, his strength wasn't the only thing that kept him alive. Ismael knew what he was gonna say though, it was obvious that they both had a different philosophy on the idea. Sure Ismael was in agreeance that spinning is a bad habit to have, yet the thing that Ismael seemed mostly on about was the fact that many techniques, with both Hand-to-Hand and sword styles, use some form of spin or turning to not only create greater force but also as a way to maneuver around attacks. Yet this was not a fight for today, that'll probably be something they will need to work past on a later date. Ismael did have some interest in what Kharne has to offer, after all, it would probably be some skill that would be useful against much larger foes, like those trolls. Yet either way, next to come was something Ismael knew was gonna be the thing he wanted the most, armor. A weapon is fantastic, yet armor to keep your squishy bits intact was essential, especially with hundreds of diseases and other illnesses that he doesn't even know exist or not. A wound could be a death sentence here, so Ismael wished to have kept those fears at bay by making sure his body wasn't even in the line of fire. The walk over was easy, Ismael never needed to look far, after all, being tall made it easy to see over others, and with Kharne being his guide, Ismael had no worry on losing him in this city. As once they entered the armorer, Ismael's eyes scanned the entire inventory, Ismael wished for a few things, mobility, defense, and lastly a little bit of style. Ismael knew he was a larger man and had carried around gear for hours that was far too heavy for any sane man to carry, but that was the Military for you. Ismael immediately gravitated to something very similar to the gear the US Military would give their troops. A strong and protective armor for the chest and head, and the armor for the rest of his body would be second. Yet Ismael knew he needed to protect a few other parts of his body in case of different attacks, the next part would be his Forearms and Calves, he knew he wished to keep them protected, those were important and if either takes an injury, that could spell death in a close-range engagement. So he wished to get heavier leather there and some metal plating yet wished to have anywhere metal met metal would be covered in leather to dampen the noise created. Ismael wanted Metal on his armor, steel at that, yet he wished to keep it as minimal as possible, as the clattering of gear could make you found when you try to move in silence. Soon Ismael's eyes landed on exactly what he was looking for. Like it was hand-picked to best suit everything he wished, a set of [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/597967434732929024/908440683092774992/fdd83f4f126aefaa4bd903ec63f9c36f.png?width=450&height=676]Steel Half Plate[/url]. Not only did it give him protection in every place he wanted, but also it would give him enough mobility and flexibility when it is time to fight. The one thing Ismael slightly disliked was the large red head-dressing the helmet has. It would probably be a large hazard that would make it very easy to grab and take control of, yet Ismael thought it looked so cool. Ismael is more than pleased with the armor, the only problem is that the armor would need to get made to his size, Ismael wasn't as large as the tower Kharne was, but Ismael wasn't the size of the average man. Well, that's what Ismael thought, until the Smith started pulling out all sorts of different pieces of leather armor for different sizes, as he started combining different pieces together to fit Ismael, as the ordeal took a bit of time, but ended up with Ismael being fitted with the armor he wanted that day. Well most of it, the metal parts need to be fitted a little more so they'll need to grab it later. But the leather armor and gambeson are all fitted to him. Now all Ismael needs to do is grab a shield. Ismael's immediate thoughts ran to a buckler, it's light, easy to maneuver, and easy to replace. Yet he thought about something, [color=gold][i]What if I need to grab something? The buckler would then need to be dropped[/i][/color] so Ismael started looking at the other shields. Many were far too heavy to fit his exact wants, some took too much hand room, and some were just too cumbersome. Honestly, it got to the point Ismael thought about putting some heavier metal on his left hand to take the blows until something struck him. He remembered during one of their trips down to Africa, they were given spears and shields as a gift of friendship. That's when someone began just spouting nonsense for hours about his Scottish heritage, which reminded Ismael of the Scottish Targe. Normally in that same hand, they would hold both a dagger and the Shield. So Ismael started looking, as now knowing what to look for made his search much easier, as asking for some quick guidance showed him to his destination. Ismael found the shield he was looking for, a [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/597967434732929024/908455448645091328/4e558567800f1435cff4791df8ecc4e2.png]Steel Targe[/url] that had room for his hand in gloves. But still allowed him to move it back to rest on his wrist and forearm fully to allow his hand to be completely free. Ismael was more than pleased with his time here, he found exactly what he wanted, and honestly, he thought he'd look pretty cool in his armor and weapons. Who knows, maybe he was meant to be a Knight? Well, such ideas are for a different time, Ismael takes up his newfound gear for Kharne to pay for it.