[u][b]Takemori POV[/b][/u] [@Blade17] "That's right everyone, put this moment in history as the start of my team's ascent to the very top!" I laughed as the holograms around Team I.V. began to disappear and Jun jumped before the crowd yelling. The kid was honestly a superstar without a tv show in his own right, no wonder he became a dobutsu so fast. Can’t deny that he's got charisma. As I watched the boys disperse a bit to do their own things, I side eyed the pair of Blade and Hanako as they began to talk. I honestly didn’t really trust the girl, just because she cheered for our side doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a hidden agenda. So, as casually as I could I leaned over to listen in. “sorry Hanako we worked hella hard on her and she got badly damaged, sorr I couldn’t keep her out of getting damaged, and she held out good for me even with the structural kink, you did good, me and Hanako will fix you up.” I heard him say. Oh, so the Snow White was a collaborative effort? “Blade, you don’t have to be such a perfectionist.” Hanako said with a smile. “In gunpla battles, damage is inevitable no matter what level of skill you are at. Wether it be battle or wear in tear. BUT, Luckily as gunpla fighters we can still take care of our gunpla through maintenance and repair!” She said and I nodded slightly. It was good advice really, a lesson that takes alot of fighters a while to come to grips with. Content with the fact that at the very least she wasn’t trying to throw Blade off, I decided to give the kids privacy. [u][b]Chisato POV[/b][/u] [@Double] As I watched my son walk over to us I was almost stunned. He was smiling, but not his same smile that he would force out when I nagged him on his well being or the small smiles I see when he works on those models. It felt like Riku was awake, fully awake and alive. “Ri-kun you were amazing out there!!!!” Yuna screamed in excitement. I laughed a bit before joining in. “Truly you were amazing out there Riku, I didn’t know you could make the models move that fast.” Yuna immediately jumped in, “Or that you can shoot a bow and arrow! You were like robin hood, sniping from so far away!!! Or maybe you’re Hiroshi Yamamoto?” “Either way,” I interrupt, ” I’m .. happy that you found this team and are participating in these competitions, you seem to be having a good time.” [u][b]No POV[/b][/u] [@Shiyonichi] As Naoki and Kai walked past the crowd to their tables and equipment, packing up the portable work stations they had set up. “Uh, hey Kai.” Naoki asked as he began organizing the spare parts he had brought. “Whats up with that gunpla? I’ve never seen anything really like it before and believe me when I say I keep up to date on gunpla building technologies.” He said, now moving on to putting away his paint gun. “It almost looks like a full custom build but, and don’t take this the wrong way, but i’ve never seen you build anything this complex.” [u][b]No POV … Again[/b][/u] [@KenjuGuy] As the shark of team Imagine Victory approached Team Zenshin High as the battle ended, Jun approached Seo, "Seo,...it's like I said I'm not too different from you, so I know what's going through your head! That's why I won't condescend to you by just saying 'it was a good fight'! Instead I'll say this; Come back and face me anytime! Use that frustration to keep getting stronger! Try every trick you've got! I want it all! Because conquering tough challenges is all that I live for!" Seo blinked, dumbfounded at the bravado of this guy and at the almost visible anger now coming from Seo at the comment, “My fustrastions?! MY. FRUSTRATIONS? My level of frustrations reaches a peak that you cannot even IMAGINE right now!!!” Seo said as he stopped off to where he had put their equipment. As Jun was left there, a new voice came in. “Ah don’t worry about that boy, young man” And to Juns left came a spry but very old man walk up to him with his grandson. “By the way, in case you don’t recognize, I’m the guntank you shot down, and this here is my adorable grandson you shot down!” He said rubbing his grandsons head playfully. “I just wanted to thank you for our dog fight, I hadn’t felt my blood pump like that in awhile. And that you better come by Kishimoto again to have a rematch against us!” He said with a laugh. [u][b]Hachiyama POV[/b][/u] [@Renny][@Dezuel] “Why did I even rely on you failure mercs?!!!!!!” Seos voice boomed as the group regathered to the side of the arcade. The sound of the cheering crowd thankfully muffling the sound of Seos rant. “Ryoichi you literally had half the team with you and you couldn’t take the point let alone defend it!” Seo then pointed at Charmaine, “And you! You’re the bigger fuck up!! Not only did you disobey me! But you couldn’t even finish the job!!” At that I could feel sympathy for both mercs. But before I could say or do anything the voice of Tanaka chimed in. “Boss you weren’t there, the ship was incredibly tough! I couldn’t put a dent in it without the thing firing back!! And not only that but the wing gundam that was guarding got a massive upgrade!!” “Not only that,” Another voice chimed. “But they also had reinforcements that hampered the assault. In short,” Kobayashi said as he pushed up his glasses, “We were out gunned.” “Did. I. Ask?” Seos asked slowly to the two, both of them flinching a bit. Seos anger was practically visible. “If its not already clear, you two won’t be getting your 20,000 yen. In fact your performance was so horrible I should be asking for my previous 20,000 back. Our business from now on is over. Goodbye.” Seo finished with a turn on his heels and preparing to leave the store, signalling for us to follow.